A full-stack web engineer working with LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, Perl) especially.
- Over 4 years of experience in developing web services built on LAMP stack.
- Redesigned an on-premises web service for AWS deployment, focusing on the transition from a traditional infrastructure to a cloud environment.
- Improved performance by identifying and resolving web service bottlenecks through profiling.
- Actively communicated with other departments to refine requirements for some web services overhaul.
- Programming Languages: Perl, TypeScript, Bash
- Web Frameworks: Sledge, Next.js
- Databases: MySQL, MongoDB
- Web Servers: nginx, Apache HTTP Server
- Cloud Services:
- AWS: Amplify, Aurora MySQL, CloudFront, CodeBuild, DocumentDB, EC2, ELB (ALB, NLB), IAM, Lambda, RDS for MySQL, S3, etc.
- Container: Docker
- Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Terraform, AWS CDK
- Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Backend: RESTful API development, performance optimization
- Operating Systems: Linux (CentOS, AlmaLinux)
- Version Control System: Git
Apr 2020–Present - Seesaa Inc. (merged with FAN Communications, Inc. in Jan 2024)
- Engineer, transitioned from Blog Media Division (Apr 2020–Dec 2023) to A8.net Division (Jan 2024–Present)
Comprehensively involved in the development, operation, and maintenance of multiple web services, including Seesaa Blog and Boom App Games. Successfully transitioned an on-premises web service to AWS under the principle of lift and shift, focusing on the transition from traditional infrastructure to a cloud environment. Involved in physical infrastructure management in data centers for on-premises web services. Proactively took on additional tasks in a small but elite team, ensuring all aspects of service delivery were covered.
- Team size: 3–5 people
- Technologies:
- Languages: Perl, TypeScript, Bash
- Frameworks: Sledge (a web framework in Perl), Template Toolkit, Next.js, jQuery
- Databases: MySQL, MongoDB (DocumentDB)
- Container: Docker
- IaC: Terraform, AWS CDK
- Infrastractures: AWS, on-premises
- Projects:
- Developed backend on LAMP stack to add new features
- Migrated on-premises MongoDB to AWS DocumentDB
- Improved response time by resolving bottlenecks based on performance profiling
- Developed frontend of SSG site using Next.js with the in-house headless CMS
- Managed wiring changes due to data center network changes
For a detailed overview of my professional experience, please see my full CV.
- Bachelor of Engineering, Osaka University (2018)
- Practical Algorithm Skill Test (PAST): Advanced Beginner Class, 58 pts (Feb 2025)
- TOEIC: 600 (2017)
- Japanese (Native)
- English (TOEIC 600)
- Modern programming languages
- Rust: Utilized in competitive programming contests (e.g. AtCoder Beginner Contest 301)
- Lean 4: Currently developing a toy programming language with formal verification, named tibi
- Semantics of programming languages
- I am interested in the semantics of programming languages, which underpins why we can say or assume, often subconsciously, that "programs behave as written."
- This interest extends not only to how results are determined but also to how types are assigned, finding the theoretical background of how types are affixed to Rust's memory model particularly fascinating.
- I also think, though not deeply, about what would happen if the same considerations were applied to dynamically typed languages, not just statically typed ones.