To analyse unknown words, HFST and the path for a transducer is required.
As a Hungarian transducer, emMorph can be used - please provide the path of the compiled transducer.
Training requires a corpus with the following format:
- empty lines separate the sentences
- other lines consist of tab-separated colums:
- the first column holds the word
- the last column holds the disambiguated analysis
To train a new (convolutional) model:
python -t -C [--batch 64] [--epoch 128] [--directory corpus_directory] [--file corpus_file] [--transducer transducer_path]
To continue the training of a saved (recurrent) model:
python -t -R -l 2017-11-13-14-19 [--batch 64] [--epoch 128] [--directory corpus_directory] [--file corpus_file] [--transducer transducer_path]
In case only the corpus directory is provided, each file within it will be handled as corpus file.
Evaluation requires a corpus with the same format as training.
To evaluate a fresh training:
python -t -e -C [--batch 64] [--epoch 128] [--directory corpus_directory] [--file corpus_file] [-l 2017-11-16-15-54] [--transducer transducer_path]
To evaluate a saved model:
python -e -R -l 2017-11-13-14-19 [--directory corpus_directory] [--file corpus_file] [--transducer transducer_path]
The output of the evaluation:
- writes the neural network loss and accuracy to standard output
- writes the disambiguation results into a file with the following properties:
- file name format: disambiguated-.txt
- sentences are separated by empty lines
- the original word, and the expected and got analyses are written into the file (each in separate lines, and the analyses are indented)
- at the end of the file, the correctly disambigguated word and sentence count and ratio is shown
The source for disambiguation can be the standard input or a file.
The file can have the same format which was required for training and evaluation. Multiple columns aren't necessary, the file can hold only the words.
In case of use input, quntoken is required for tokenization. The user input has to be usual text without separating words into lines.
Disambiguation with file input:
python -d -R -l 2017-11-13-14-19 --directory input_dir --file input_file [--transducer transducer_path]
Disambiguation from standard input:
python -d -R -l 2017-11-13-14-19 [--transducer transducer_path]
cat input_file_path | python -d -R -l 2017-11-13-14-19 [--transducer transducer_path]
author = {Nagy, Nikolett},
title = {Hungarian morphological disambiguation using recurrent and convolutional neural networks},
institution = {Budapest University of Technology and Economics},
year = {2017}