Damerau–Levenshtein distance and fuzzy substring matching for python with support of unicode and custom edit costs
Cost for each insertion, deletion and character transposition is 1.
#basic usage:
>>> from fizzle import *
>>> print dl_distance('Levenshtein', 'Lenevshtein')
# custom edit costs:
>>> editCosts=[('a','e',0.4), #default edit costs are 1
>>> dl_distance('Levenshtein', 'Lenevshtein', substitutions=editCosts,symetric=False)
#picking top 2 matches from list:
>>> misspellings = ["Levenshtain","Levenstein","Levinstein","Levistein","Levenshtein"]
>>> pick_N("Levenshtein", misspellings, 2)
[(1, 'Levemshtein'), (1, 'Levenshtain')]
#picking only best match:
>>> pick_one("Levenshtein", misspellings)
(1, 'Levemshtein')
#Distance between word and words from list
>>> match_list("Levenshtein", misspellings,substitutions=editCosts,symetric=False)
[(0.65, 'Levenshtain'), (1, 'Levenstein'), (2, 'Levinstein'), (3, 'Levistein'), (1, 'Levemshtein')]
# Default cost of transposition is 1:
>>> print dl_distance('AB', 'BA')
# LD distance without transposition is Levenshtein distance:
>>> print dl_distance('AB', 'BA', transposition=False)
from fizzle import *
#fuzzy find substring
>>> substring_search("aabcegf","aa aaWbcdefg a")
#fuzzy find substring, returns (distance, (start, end))
>>> substring_match("aabcegf","aa aaWbcdefg a", substitutions=editCosts)
(3, (3, 11))
substring_position and substring_score is same as substring_match but returs only position or distance respectively
substitutions (default []) - List of triples (A,B,c) meaning edit A->B have cost C. Default cost is 1
symetric (defualt True) - If edit A->B have same cost as B->A
nonMatchingEnds (defualt False) - True=substring matching
transposition (defualt True) - True=use Damerau–Levenshtein. False=compute Levenshtein distance
secondHalfDiscount (defualt False) - Edits in second half of string will be discounted
printMatrix (defualt False) - Print matrix of edit distances