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A tool to be run for a Jenkins job to search a text with regular expressions in build artifacts, to group the tests failures and to show the failures differences between 2 or more builds for a tests CI job.


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A tool to be run for a Jenkins job to search a text with regular expressions in build artifacts, to group the tests failures and to show the failures differences between 2 or more builds for a tests CI job.


  • searches matching a regular expression with each build artifact file content
  • also, with -DsearchInJUnitReports=true you can search only in tests failures and print the failed test reports
  • another important feature is that setting -DgroupTestsFailures=true will find the common similar tests failures with a maximum difference threshold set with -DdiffThreshold argument. The tests CI job needs to add the JUnit reports xml files as artifacts and the tool needs -DartifactsFilters=".*xml" as argument to filter just the xml reports.
  • showing the failed tests difference, for the build specified in -Dbuilds, is also possible setting -DshowTestsDifferences=true and -DreferenceBuilds=$BuildNumbers or -DlastReferenceBuildsCount=$LastReferenceBuildsCount, the builds with the tests results to be compared with. The results will contain the failed test URL, the failure message and the reference build failure message. Same here, the tests CI job needs to add the JUnit reports xml files as artifacts and the tool needs -DartifactsFilters=".*xml" as argument to filter just the xml reports.
  • the job builds, where to search, can be specified as an enumeration and range using -Dbuilds property, or the last builds using -DlastBuildsCount property
  • using -DbuildParamsFilter="$param1=$value1;$param2=$value2" you can filter the Jenkins builds based on build parameters values
  • the artifacts files can be filtered using regular expressions and more filters could be applied separated with comma ","
  • the results can be found in the console output, but also saved in an HTML report file using -DhtmlReportFile property
  • a tests stability list with the stable/unstable tests can be provided using -DstabilityListFile property and it can filter the stable/unstable tests using -DstableReport boolean property
  • parallel processing, searches the regular expression for each build node in a separated thread for a better performance
  • the thread count can be specified in -DthreadPoolSize property
  • has disk backup support for saving artifacts for the Jenkins job (-DbackupJob=true and -DbackupPath=$path). Also, you can search in backup files instead of querying Jenkins API (-DuseBackup=true and -DbackupPath=$path), or remove the backup for specified builds (-DremoveBackup=true and -DbackupPath=$path)
  • because it's done in Java it works cross platform for Windows, Unix, OS X Jenkins applications

Usage e.g:

Change the path to out/artifacts/searchinjenkinslogs_jar/ directory and run:

java -DjobUrl="" -DnewUrlPrefix="" -DthreadPoolSize=20 -Dbuilds="112,114-116,118" -DlastBuildsCount=2 -DartifactsFilters=".* fileFilter1.* ,.* fileFilter2.* " -DsearchInJUnitReports=true -DsearchedText=".* textToFind.* " -DgroupTestsFailures=true -DdiffThreshold=10 -DuseBackup=true -DbackupPath=$backupPath -cp searchinjenkinslogs.jar Main

java -DjobUrl="" -DnewUrlPrefix="" -DartifactsFilters=".* fileFilter1.* ,.* fileFilter2.* " -DbackupJob=true -DbackupPath=$backupPath -DbackupRetention=100 -cp searchinjenkinslogs.jar Main

java -DjobUrl="" -DnewUrlPrefix="" -DartifactsFilters=".*xml" -DuseBackup=true -DbackupPath=$backupPath -DjobUrl2="$ReferenceJobName/" -DnewUrlPrefix2="$ReferenceJobName/" -Dbuilds=$BuildToCompare -DreferenceBuilds=$ReferenceBuilds -DlastReferenceBuildsCount=$LastReferenceBuildsCount -DdiffThreshold=$DiffThreshold -DshowTestsDifferences=true -cp searchinjenkinslogs.jar Main

  • you could use it to find crashes or exceptions that appear in the app logs while running the UI tests. For iOS app system logs, you could use this regular expression: -DsearchedText="(.*Terminating app due to uncaught exception.*)|(.*${AppName}\[[0-9]*\]: fatal error:.*)" , where ${AppName} is the name of the tested iOS app.

Generating failures triage report:

Use script to create a Jenkins job that will generate a html triage report with all the failures and 3 tables:

  • grouping common failures - the 1st table;
  • comparison of the current build with the runs from the last 5 days: the new failed tests - the 2nd table; the failed tests with different failure message - the 3-rd table.;


Easy to integrate the project with Intellij, JDK 8.

Import the project in IntelliJ:

  1. Create project from existing sources and select the project folder.
  2. Go from command line to project folder.
  3. Call "git reset --hard" to reset the project settings to the ones saved in git.
  4. You are asked to reload the project in IDE and reload it.

Now, you should be able to build the project. To build the jar with your updates:

  1. Go to Build -> Build Artifacts -> Rebuild.

In case you need another library dependency:

  1. Module Settings -> Libraries - Add mvn library
  2. Module Settings -> Artifacts -> Output Layout - Select from "Available Elements" the new library and "Extract Into Output Root" (need to make sure there aren't libraries versions conflicts)
  3. Apply.

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A tool to be run for a Jenkins job to search a text with regular expressions in build artifacts, to group the tests failures and to show the failures differences between 2 or more builds for a tests CI job.



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