Made by Guðmundur Óli Norland (Github: nachos5)
This simple tools sole purpose is to merge multiple PDF files into one. Arguments are parsed using argparse. The --help command gives the following output:
usage: [-h] (-l LIST [LIST ...] | -d DIRECTORY) [-o OUTPUTFOLDER]
PDF Merge Tool
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-l LIST [LIST ...], --list LIST [LIST ...] A list of PDF file paths
-d DIRECTORY, --directory DIRECTORY A directory path containing PDF files
-o OUTPUTFOLDER, --outputfolder OUTPUTFOLDER If provided, the output PDF file will be saved in this directory, else it will be stored in the projects output directory
- python -d your_pdf_directory_path
- python -l file1.pdf file2.pdf file3.pdf -o your_output_folder