- Deck has 52 elements (4 suits and 13 cards of each)
- Each time a card is obtained (any get operation is removed from the deck)
- For these implementation french deck is used.
- See pom.xml file, is just a simple maven java project with junit (used maven for convinience and simplicity)
- for reviewing the project you can clone it from github and import it in eclipse as maven project.
- there is a test called DeckTest that allows testing all the operations.
- For convenience there is also a Main class that allows testing the operations from console (menu options)
There is also a jar included in the repository, so it can be tested from the command line using the following command. Copy the jar file to a directory, and then from that directory type:
C:\CustomInk\deckLibrary\target>java -cp deckLibrary-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar com.test .vp.main.Main
It will appear the menu and select appropiate options.