cd creditapplication-backend/compose && docker-compose up
client,db and backend will start working together.
backend : localhost:8080
client : localhost:3000
db : localhost:5432
cd compose && docker-compose up postgresqldb
change application.yaml file for db connection ( url: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/creditapplication )
change creditapplication-client -> package.json -> proxy ( "proxy": "http://localhost:8080" )
Build project
I have used Liquibase for managing database tables, sequences and default data. It will create all stuff on first run
Logging configuration is located in the resource folder file named logback-spring.xml.Logs are saved in a folder named logs in the main directory.
Strategy Design Pattern using for credit limit calculation. You can find it in the service package with the name strategy.
Application only needs postgres to run and you can run it from docker-compose also application is dockerized you can find steps at the top of the page
Swagger url = localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html
I have tried to write unit tests for business code. I have used JUni5 with Mockito