This project is a self driving car based on raspberry pi and tensorflow CNN network designed to drive around user created tracks bounds.
- Raspberry Pi model 4B
- 7" LCD Screen
- PiCamera V2
- Generic USB speaker
- L298N Two channel motor driver
- 4 Motors powered by 9V batteries
- Redmi 18W Fast powerbank 2A 5V
- bodykit + wheels
to train your own model run following steps:
- collect samples:
use commands:
- w -> go forward
- a -> turn left
- d -> turn right
- s -> go backward
- z -> save sample sequence
- train model, open jupyter notebook:
- replace model in script and run:
pip install -r requirements.txt
download .whl with tensorflow build matching CPU architecture, then
pip install tensorflow-2.5.0-cp37-none-linux_armv7l.whl