This is a demonstration project available online at:
This project features full stack Rails development using:
Ruby: 2.2
Rails: 4.2.6
bootstrap (and dependences)\
omniauth (Facebook)
Ways of working:
DRY, TDD (Unit and Functional tests implemented, Integration Tests not yet implemented) , Concerns, Services (not yet implemented), Polymorphic ActiveRecord relationships
Front end:
How to setup: Have Ruby and Rails versions installed for the correct versions
bundle install
rake db:setup
Configure your Facebook omniauth in initializers/omniauth.rb with the following code:
OmniAuth.config.logger = Rails.logger
Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do
provider :facebook, '_YOURAPIHERE_', '_YOURAPISECRETEHERE_', info_fields: 'email, name, first_name, last_name'
end </tt>
Add as many additional Topics and DiscussionTypes as you want (Read Adding Topics and Discussion Types)
Make sure everything’s ok by running the tests rake:test (As of the latest commit on 2016/05/13 you should get
69 runs, 305 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips)
rails s (or to deploy to passenger read the passenger documentation)
NOTE. to deploy in PRODUCTION run rake:secret and copy your secret key to production (config/secrets.yml) or choose one of the more secure methods.
Adding Topics and Discussion Types:
rails c (optional -production if running in production)
Topic.create(name:“/*PUT THE TOPIC HERE*/”)
DiscussionType.create(name:“/*PUT THE DISCUSSION TYPE HERE*/”)