If you're new to golang: an important concept is the "workspace" which contains all the libraries, project files etc. On a plain machine, I usually do the following:
$ mkdir -p <dir>/go/{src|bin|pkg}
Now, add the following two lines to your .profile:
export GOPATH="<dir>/go"
export PATH="$GOPATH/bin:$PATH"
Your workspace is now set up. The dependencies of the software are managed using godep. The installation is a good test whether your environment is set up correctly. Simply run
go get github.com/tools/godep
You should now have a working godep binary in your path. Continue by checking out the defluxio source:
$ cd <dir>/go/src
$ mkdir github.com
$ cd github.com
$ git clone https://github.com/mysmartgrid/libamperix-go.git
$ cd libamperix-go.git
Now, restore the libraries used by defluxio:
$ godep restore
You're all set. You can build the project using
$ (cd cmd/amperix_get && go install )
$ ls <dir>/go/bin
$ cd <dir>/go/bin
$ ./amperix_get -help