Bump Absorber is a plugin for MyBB 1.8. It inhibits thread bumps (by new posts) in stipulated forums: only replies by the thread's author bump the thread, and only after the expiry of a stipulated bump interval (since the last bumping post, counting the first post as a bumping post). Replies by other members never bump threads in the stipulated forums.
- MyBB 1.8.*.
Download the zip archive.
Extract its files.
Copy (recursively) the files under "root" into your forum's root.
Install+activate the plugin via the ACP's Plugins page.
Configure the plugin in the ACP under Settings -> Plugin Settings -> Bump Absorber.
Uninstall the plugin via the ACP.
Download, extract, and copy files as in steps one, two, and three for installing above.
Install+activate the plugin via the ACP.
Re-configure the plugin in the ACP under Settings -> Plugin Settings -> Bump Absorber.
Bump Absorber is licensed under the GPL v3.
Laird Shaw as part of the unofficial MyBB Group
Bump Absorber was written for a fee for a MyBB admin - @andrewjs18 - who asked that it then be open sourced.