1. Perfect the Name Server
2. Develop the message storage module
3. Develop the Broker module
4. Support single message sending, etc.
What's Changed
- [ISSUE #127]⬆️Upgrade the version to 0.2.0 for the next version's feature development by @mxsm in #128
- [ISSUE #129]🥚Define macros to handle common code for RequestHeader by @mxsm in #130
- [ISSUE #131]🤡init broker and store crate by @mxsm in #132
- [ISSUE #133]🔧Add rocketmq store config by @mxsm in #134
- [ISSUE #135]🚧Define rocketmq Message by @mxsm in #136
- [ISSUE #137]🚀Define the rust version of Messagestore based on the Java version of MessageStore by @mxsm in #138
- [ISSUE #141]💥Add Broker command line parse by @mxsm in #142
- [ISSUE #140]🎨Add Broker bootstrap by @mxsm in #143
- [ISSUE #144]🎉Add the basic code for local file in the store module by @mxsm in #145
- [ISSUE #146]📈Add Broker start method and optimize some code by @mxsm in #147
- [ISSUE #148]📝Add issue template by @mxsm in #149
- [ISSUE #150]Update ISSUE TEMPLATE by @mxsm in #151
- Revert "[ISSUE #150]Update ISSUE TEMPLATE" by @mxsm in #152
- [ISSUE #150]🚀Update ISSUE TEMPLATE and some markdown doc by @mxsm in #153
- [ISSUE #154]Add ConfigManage code by @mxsm in #155
- [ISSUE #156]📝Add pull resquest template by @mxsm in #157
- [ISSUE #158]🚀Add some Implementations for ConfigManager trait by @mxsm in #159
- [ISSUE #160]💥BrokerController initialization method implementation by @mxsm in #161
- [ISSUE #162]📝Add Broker by @antcarryele in #164
- [ISSUE #165]🐛Fix Broker start error by @mxsm in #166
- [ISSUE #167]👍Add TopicConfigManager#init method by @mxsm in #168
- [ISSUE #170](🎉Happy Chinese New Year🎉)mplementing network communication for the Broker-1 by @mxsm in #171
- [ISSUE #173](🎉Happy Chinese New Year🎉)Implementing network communication for the Broker-2 by @mxsm in #174
- [ISSUE #175]👷Update GitHub Actions CI by @mxsm in #176
- [ISSUE #177]♻️Refactor net model by @mxsm in #178
- [ISSUE #179]📝Add project icon by @mxsm in #180
- [ISSUE #181]💚Add codecov ci by @mxsm in #182
- [ISSUE #183]💚Add codecov ci yml by @mxsm in #184
- [ISSUE #187]📝Add some icon into by @mxsm in #188
- [ISSUE #189]📝Update by @mxsm in #190
- [ISSUE #191]🚀Implementing network communication for the Broker-3 by @mxsm in #192
- [ISSUE #193]📝Update by @mxsm in #194
- [ISSUE #195]🚀Refactor remoting net by @mxsm in #196
- [ISSUE #197]🐛Fix Name server shutdown throw exception by @mxsm in #198
- [ISSUE #199]Broker net model develop by @mxsm in #200
- [ISSUE #201]🐛Fix Use RequestHeaderCodec macro cannot find type HashMap in this scope by @mxsm in #202
- [ISSUE #203]🐛Fix RequestHeaderCodec macro can not work by @mxsm in #204
- [ISSUE #169]🚀Implementing network communication for the Broker by @mxsm in #205
- [ISSUE #207]Support send message and send message v2(request code:10,310)-1 by @mxsm in #208
- [ISSUE #210]🔧Add dependabot.yml by @antcarryele in #211
- Update config requirement from 0.13 to 0.14 by @dependabot in #212
- Update env_logger requirement from 0.10.0 to 0.11.2 by @dependabot in #213
- Bump codecov/codecov-action from 4.0.1 to 4.0.2 by @dependabot in #214
- [ISSUE #209]Support send message and send message v2(request code:10,310)-2 by @mxsm in #215
- [ISSUE #218]📌Implement DefaultMappedFile initialization by @mxsm in #219
- [ISSUE #220]🚀Implement MessageStore put message-1 by @mxsm in #221
- [ISSUE #224]🎨Using cfg to solve the problem that the MessageStore trait cannot be converted to an object by @mxsm in #225
- [ISSUE #223]🚧Implement MessageStore put message(single message)-2 by @mxsm in #226
- Bump codecov/codecov-action from 4.0.2 to 4.1.0 by @dependabot in #228
- [ISSUE #227]🚧Implement MessageStore put message(single message)-3 by @mxsm in #229
- [ISSUE #232]🐛Fix CI fails to pass the check on the latest version of Rustc by @mxsm in #233
- [ISSUE #230]🍻Implement MessageExtEncoder by @mxsm in #231
- [ISSUE #234]🚧Implement AppendMessageCallback-1 by @mxsm in #235
- [ISSUE #236]✨Create bytebuf crate for bytes operate by @mxsm in #237
- Revert "[ISSUE #236]✨Create bytebuf crate for bytes operate" by @mxsm in #239
- [ISSUE #240]🎨Optimize broker main code by @mxsm in #241
- [ISSUE #242]🚀Implement DefaultMappedFile related functions-1 by @mxsm in #243
- [ISSUE #244]🚧Implement TopicConfigManager load method by @mxsm in #245
- [ISSUE #246]📌Implement ConfigManager config_file_path method by @mxsm in #247
- [ISSUE #249]🚀Init rocketmq-filter crate by @mxsm in #250
- [ISSUE #251]🎨Fix code style error in latest rust nightly version by @mxsm in #252
- [ISSUE #248]💥Implement ConfigManager decode method by @mxsm in #253
- [ISSUE #254]🎨Format code style by @TeslaRustor in #255
- [ISSUE #256]🐛Fix rust file link by @mxsm in #257
- [ISSUE #258]Fix loading config File error by @mxsm in #259
- [ISSUE #260]🐛Fix When broker shutdown will throw exeception by @mxsm in #261
- [ISSUE #263]🚧Support register borker(request code:103)-1 by @TeslaRustor in #264
- [ISSUE #]🚀Implement CompletableFuture by @mxsm in #266
- [ISSUE #267]✅Add test case for CompletableFuture by @mxsm in #268
- [ISSUE #270]✨Implement remoting client-1 by @TeslaRustor in #271
- [ISSUE #272]🚀Implement remoting client-2 by @mxsm in #273
- [ISSUE #274]🚀Implement remoting client-3 by @mxsm in #275
- [ISSUE #276]🐛Fix client send message error by @TeslaRustor in #277
- [ISSUE #278]🚀Using pub to modify RemotingClient by @TeslaRustor in #279
- [ISSUE #280]⚡️Optimize TokioExecutorService by @mxsm in #281
- [ISSUE #282]🚀Support register borker(request code:103)-2 by @mxsm in #283
- [ISSUE #284]🚧Support register borker(request code:103)-3 by @mxsm in #285
- [ISSUE #286]🎨Replace RequestProcessor#process_request &mut self with &self by @mxsm in #287
- [ISSUE #288]🎨Optimize ArcProcessorTable code by @TeslaRustor in #289
- [ISSUE #290]🎨Optimize RocketmqDefaultClient code by @mxsm in #291
- Bump codecov/codecov-action from 4.1.0 to 4.1.1 by @dependabot in #292
- [ISSUE #293]🎨Change RemotingService start method &mut seft to &self by @mxsm in #294
- [ISSUE #295]Refactor network section code by @mxsm in #296
- [ISSUE #297]🎨Optimize code struct by @mxsm in #298
- [ISSUE #262]🚀Support register borker(request code:103) by @mxsm in #299
- Bump codecov/codecov-action from 4.1.1 to 4.2.0 by @dependabot in #301
- [ISSUE #303]🎨Remove useless import by @mxsm in #304
- Bump codecov/codecov-action from 4.2.0 to 4.3.0 by @dependabot in #302
- [ISSUE #300]🚧Support send message and send message v2(request code:10,310)-3 by @mxsm in #305
- [ISSUE #307]📝Update name server by @antcarryele in #308
- [ISSUE #309]✨Add rocketmq-cmd crate by @mxsm in #310
- [ISSUE #306]🚀Support send message and send message v2(request code:10,310)-4 by @mxsm in #311
- [ISSUE #314]🎉Rename rocketmq-cmd crate to rocketmq-cli crate by @mxsm in #315
- [ISSUE #313]🚀Read Commit log file from cmd by @mxsm in #316
- [ISSUE #317]📝Update rocketmq-cli by @mxsm in #318
- [ISSUE #312]✨Support send message and send message v2(request code:10,310)-5 by @mxsm in #319
- [ISSUE #320]✨Support unregister client(requst code 35) by @mxsm in #322
- [ISSUE #321]✨Support heart beat (requst code 34)-producer by @mxsm in #324
- [ISSUE #325]📝Update rocketmq-broker crate by @mxsm in #326
- [ISSUE #222]🚀Implement MessageStore put message(single message) by @mxsm in #327
- [ISSUE #328]🚀Implement commitlog recover by @mxsm in #329
- [ISSUE #330]🎨Optimize commitlog recover by @mxsm in #331
- [ISSUE #332]🎨Optmize code struct by @mxsm in #333
- [ISSUE #334]🚧Optimize commitlog recover-2 by @mxsm in #335
- [ISSUE #336]🚀Optimize get i32 of content_show#print_content method by @antcarryele in #337
- Bump codecov/codecov-action from 4.3.0 to 4.3.1 by @dependabot in #339
- [ISSUE #338]🚀Optimize commitlog recover-3 by @mxsm in #340
- [ISSUE #341]🎨Optimize RequestProcessor return by @mxsm in #342
- [ISSUE #343]🚀Optimize send message by @mxsm in #344
- [ISSUE #345]🎨Optimize recover message by @mxsm in #346
- [ISSUE #347]🎨Create abort file by @mxsm in #348
- [ISSUE #350]📌Optimize AppendMessageCallback trait and implemention by @mxsm in #351
- [ISSUE #349]🚀Add trait for DefaultMappedFile by @mxsm in #352
- [ISSUE #353]🚩Add Broker shutdown logic by @mxsm in #354
- [ISSUE #355]🚀Implement ConsumeQueueStore recover by @mxsm in #356
- [ISSUE #357]⚡️Replace Arc<parking_lot::Mutex> with AtomicU64 of MappedFileQueue property by @mxsm in #358
- Bump codecov/codecov-action from 4.3.1 to 4.4.0 by @dependabot in #359
- [ISSUE #360]🎨Optimize MessageStore recover logic by @mxsm in #361
- [ISSUE #362]✨Implment Commit log abort recover by @mxsm in #363
- [ISSUE #364]🎉Implement ServiceThread by @mxsm in #365
- [ISSUE #366]🚀Implement ReputMessageService by @mxsm in #367
- [ISSUE #368]🚀Optimize send message logic by @mxsm in #369
- [ISSUE #370]🚀Add DefaultMessageStore ScheduleTask🚀 by @mxsm in #371
- Bump codecov/codecov-action from 4.4.0 to 4.4.1 by @dependabot in #372
- [ISSUE #373]✨Optimize broker receive message logic and fix some bugs✨ by @mxsm in #374
- Revert "Bump codecov/codecov-action from 4.4.0 to 4.4.1" by @mxsm in #376
- [ISSUE #377]⚡️Bump codecov/codecov-action from 4.4.0 to 4.4.1⚡️ by @SpaceOneT in #378
- [ISSUE #375]💥Implement IndexService💥 by @mxsm in #380
- [ISSUE #381]⚡️Optimize send message logic⚡️ by @mxsm in #382
- [ISSUE #383]💥Optimize CommitLog#put_message💡 by @mxsm in #384
- [ISSUE #385] ✅Add test case for MessageExtEncoder by @mxsm in #386
- [ISSUE #389]✅Add test case for file_utils🚀 by @mxsm in #390
- [ISSUE #387]✅Add test case for EnvUtils🚀 by @mxsm in #388
- [ISSUE #391]✅Add test case for message_utils🚀 by @mxsm in #392
- [ISSUE #393]🚀Add assign offset in CommitLog#put_message by @mxsm in #394
- [ISSUE #395]🔥Implement consume store recoverOffsetTable🚀 by @mxsm in #396
- [ISSUE #397]✅Add test case for MessageSysFlag💡 by @shadowsoy in #398
- [ISSUE #399]✅Add test case for topic_sys_flag🚀 by @shadowsoy in #400
- [ISSUE #401]🎨Implement UtilAll method by @mxsm in #402
- [ISSUE #403]🎨Optimize CleanupPolicyUtils by @mxsm in #404
- [ISSUE #405]🍻Optimize TopicConfigManager register_broker_data method by @shadowsoy in #406
- [ISSUE #407]🧑💻Optimize ConfigManager code by @mxsm in #408
- [ISSUE #409]⚡️Optimize RemotingCommand decode and encode by @mxsm in #410
- [ISSUE #411]🐛Fix DataVersion deserialize error by @mxsm in #412
- [ISSUE #413]🚧Optimize Broker shutdown for TopicConfigManager🚀 by @mxsm in #414
- [ISSUE #415]🎨Optmize code logic by @mxsm in #416
- [ISSUE #417]✨Implement message persistence to disk during transmission🚀 by @mxsm in #418
- [ISSUE #419]✨Implement message persistence to disk during transmission-2✨ by @mxsm in #420
- [ISSUE #421]🚀Optimize and refine the dishwashing process by @mxsm in #422
- [ISSUE #425]🐛Fix the value of the body CRC32 does not match the version in Java by @mxsm in #426
- [ISSUE #423]🐛Fix after sending the message, the queueOffset did not increase by @mxsm in #424
New Contributors
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #212
- @shadowsoy made their first contribution in #398
Full Changelog: v0.1.0...v0.2.0