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Michael W Powell edited this page Dec 8, 2020 · 1 revision allows the addition of background steps, equivalent to Cucumber Background.

public class CalculatorFeature
    private Calculator calculator;

    public void Background() // this method can have any name
        "Given a calculator".x(() => this.calculator = new Calculator());

    public void Addition(int x, int y, int answer)
        "Given the number 1".x(() => x = 1);

        "And the number 2".x(() => y = 2);

        "When I add the numbers together".x(() => answer = calculator.Add(x, y));

        "Then the answer is 3".x(() => Assert.Equal(3, answer));

    public void Multiplication(int x, int y, int answer)
        "Given the number 2".x(() => x = 2);

        "And the number 3".x(() => y = 3);

        "When I multiply the numbers together".x(() => answer = calculator.Multiply(x, y));

        "Then the answer is 6".x(() => Assert.Equal(6, answer));

The background methods are executed exactly once before each scenario.

Any disposable objects or rollback delegates registered in a background method are executed after the execution of each scenario.

For another example see the blog post "New Background Attribute in 0.12.0".

Taming background complexity

When the background steps need to span multiple classes, they can be moved to a common base class.

public abstract class CoolFeature
    public void Background()
            .x(() => ...);
            .x(() => ...);
public class ReallyCoolFeature : CoolFeature
    public void BeingReallyCool()
public class UltraCoolFeature : CoolFeature
    public void BeingUltraCool()

Managing background complexity

Of course, which base class really depends upon the complexity of your test framework. How you manage that complexity is entirely up to you to decide, is not there to get in the way of those decisions.

public abstract class BaseClassOne
    public BackgroundOne() { ... }

public abstract class BaseClassTwo : BaseClassOne
    public BackgroundTwo() { ... }

public class ClassTests : BaseClassTwo
    public ClassBackground() { ... }
} discovers each of these background methods and invokes them front to back, that is, from the base class forward, in the expected order.

An interesting side effect

public class ClassTests : BaseClassTwo
    public ClassBackground() { ... }

    public AnotherClassBackground() { ... }

Given this behavior, will also discover multiple background methods, although we cannot guarantee the order in which same scoped methods will be invoked. As long as the backgrounds are distinct from one another, you are probably fine, but we recommend considering either establish a base class, or consider merging the method bodies into a single background method, whatever is most appropriate to do so in your scenario.

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