My personal webpage
- update VMP paper as conditionally accepted
- add ROpensci to software tab and papers tab
- remove old RefManageR downloads
- update JOSS reference when accepted
- add note about outdated FGAMsupplement code and point to refund
- update contributions to refund on software tab
- add contributions to curvHDR
- add VMP code
- add SMC code
[ ] select box for selecting journal (possibly distinguish To Appear from Published)- check document outline and fix if necessary
- added html5 semantic elements: changed misc element divs to article, divs with id contentDiv to sections, changed div with id header to header element, added footer element
- added collapsible paragraphs to research tab using details tag. h4 tags for project headings changed to summary tags. supported in Opera, Chrome, Safarai. not in Firefox and IE
- McLean.css changed accordingly for 1). header id select becomes header element selector, contentDiv selector becomes section selector, summary selector added to h4 rule,
- removed <center> and <left> from research section
- changed styling of tt and code tags to match GitHub
- currently selected navDiv made different colour from other navDivs
- In light of 2), removed headings from each div -- this will probably mess up document outline
- used padding attribute to contentDiv (section element) to remove reliance on blockquote
- changed toggle.js to only take one argument and use jquery
- Made navigation divs have rounded border (border-radius attribute)
- fix issue with underline extending below border of navigation divs (line height and margin attributes)