This is a polyfill of the Presentation API that leverages the Google Cast Sender SDK for Chrome. To use it you must have a Chromecast available on your browser's WiFi network, use the Chrome browser, and install the Google Cast extension.
Currently this polyfill is only intended to be used on pages that control
) presentations, not on pages that render
presentations. Presentation rendering is supplied by a modified version of the
slidyremote Cast application.
Additionally, support is provided for discovering and launching DIAL applications.
To use the polyfill:
<script src=""
// Set up UI to request presentation, etc.
var initializeController = function() {
// Define a function in your page that will be called when the polyfill is
// ready to use.
window['__onPresentationAvailable'] = initializeController;
<link href="" rel="default-presentation"/>
To request a DIAL application, use the dialAppName and dialPostData parameters in the URL fragment, as follows:
<link href="" rel="default-presentation"/>
See the demo below for a more complete example of Presentation API use.
The polyfill currently does not persist the presentation state to localStorage
so joinSession
is not fully implemented, e.g. you cannot yet:
- Join an existing presentation by reloading the same tab
- Join an existing presentation from a different tab
- Close and rejoin an existing presentation
Each demo directory has a file with implementation notes.