Welcome to the Ensoccerpedia! A C++ program that makes historical soccer data accessible for anyone!
This project would have not been possible without the data from the R packet engsoccerdata by James P. Curley, which can be found in https://github.com/jalapic/engsoccerdata/
The goal of this project is to make this soccer data, which is typically accessed only by experts in the field, easy to access for anyone with access to a computer and a C++ compiler.
In the Ensoccerpedia there are two main actions that can be performed: Search for a specific match by entering the season and the teams that played, and also search for the scoring record of a team during a given season.
This project was made for our Data Structures and Algorithms class in order to compare the performance of different data structures, so in the beginning the user needs to choose which data structure to run the program with. Our recommendation is the hash table as it has a shorter runtime.
Right now, the program needs to be run every time a new search is going to be performed. This will change in the future.