NOTE: I haven't been maintaining this project for a while. I am keen to accept contributions to it, but I haven't been testing this in any production environment and I don't currently have time and resources to do so. I am glad to see people still using this, but use it at your own risk. Please refer to the for details on how to contribute with this project.
Input format for hadoop able to read multiline CSVs
Run to see it working. Check src/test/resource/test.csv to see a multiline demofile.
The key returned is the file position where the line starts and the value is a List with the column values
Zip files are supported.
More ideas to improve this are welcome.
If we read this CSV (note that line 2 is multiline):
Joe Demo,"2 Demo Street,
Australia. 2615",[email protected]
Jim Sample,"3 Sample Street, Sampleville, Australia. 2615",[email protected]
Jack Example,"1 Example Street, Exampleville, Australia.
2615",[email protected]
The output is as follows:
==> TestMapper
==> key=0
==> val[0] = Joe Demo
==> val[1] = 2 Demo Street,
Australia. 261
==> val[2] = [email protected]
==> TestMapper
==> key=73
==> val[0] = Jim Sample
==> val[1] =
==> val[2] = [email protected]
==> TestMapper
==> key=10
==> val[0] = Jack Example
==> val[1] = 1 Example Street, Exampleville, Australia. 261
==> val[2] = [email protected]