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Launcher and Interactive

Igor Korsukov edited this page Jan 26, 2021 · 1 revision

Launcher and user interaction


This is service for opening pages and dialogues.
It is available like other services through DI in cpp and through api in qml.


To open a page or dialog, you need to do


or in Qml"musescore://some/path");

where musescore://some/path is URI


Each page or dialog has a URI, for example:

  • "musescore://home" - Home page
  • "musescore://notation" - Notation page
  • "musescore://sequencer" - Sequencer page
  • "musescore://publish" - Publish page
  • "musescore://devtools/launcher/sample" - test dialogue for demonstration
  • etc

The mapping between URI and implementation is in LaunchResolver.qml, that is, to add a new page or dialogue that could be opened using the launcher, you need to add the appropriate mapping.


You can pass parameters to opened pages and dialogs, if they have them.
Parameter pattern: musescore://some/path?param1=value1&paramn=valuen

For example:


The name of the parameters must correspond to the name of the properties of Qml dialogs, or have the appropriate mapping in LaunchResolver.qml.


Dialogues can be shown modally, for this you need to add the modal=true parameter in URI.

Dialogues can be showed synchronously or asynchronously; for synchronous showing, need to add the sync=true parameter.

Return code

Dialogues can return an error code and value, they can be written to the ret property


Qml file DevTools/Launcher/SampleDialog.qml

import QtQuick 2.7
import MuseScore.Ui 1.0
import MuseScore.UiComponents 1.0

QmlDialog {

    id: root

    property var color: "#444444"

    width: 400
    height: 400

    Rectangle {

        anchors.fill: parent
        color: root.color

        TextInputField {
            id: input
            property var value: ""
            anchors.centerIn: parent
            width: 150
            height: 32
            onCurrentTextEdited: input.value = newTextValue

        Row {
            anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
            anchors.right: parent.right
            anchors.rightMargin: 16
            height: 40
            width:  100
            spacing: 20

            FlatButton {

                width: 40
                text: "Ok"
                onClicked: {
                    root.ret = {errcode: 0, value: input.value }

            FlatButton {
                width: 40
                text: "Cancel"
                onClicked: {
                    root.ret = {errcode: 3 }

Need to add to LaunchResolver.qml

r["musescore://devtools/launcher/sample"] = function(d) {
    return {path: "DevTools/Launcher/SampleDialog.qml", params: d.params}






This is service for user interaction, ask the user something, or inform something, so that the user reacts to it.
It is available like other services through DI in cpp, but not available in qml. In qml, it is unavailable intentionally, so that qml remains for view and logic does not leak into it.

Do not use QMessageBox or other QWidgets dialogues, use only Interactive. This is necessary for at least two reasons:

  • To have to replace the implementation of the dialogues themselves and the style (in the future there will be only Qml dialogues)
  • To be able to write unit tests, interactive can be replaced in mock.

If there is no method in interactive to display the desired dialogue, add the method to the IInteractive interface and implement it in Interactive, even using standard QWidget dialogues, which can be replaced later.


You can ask the user a question using the standard buttons

IInteractive::Button btn = interactive()->question("Test", "It works?", {
    IInteractive::Button::No });

if (btn == IInteractive::Button::Yes) {
    LOGI() << "Yes!!";
} else {
    LOGI() << "No!!";

You can ask the user a question using custom buttons

    int maybeBtn = int(IInteractive::Button::CustomButton) + 1;
    int btn = interactive()->question("Test", "It works?",{
        IInteractive::ButtonData(maybeBtn, "Maybe"),

    if (btn == maybeBtn) {
        LOGI() << "Maybe!!";
    } else {
        LOGI() << "No!!";


You can show the user a message (informing, warning or error)

interactive()->message(IInteractive::Type::Critical, "Test", "This is critical text");

Select file

You may be asked to select a file to open

io::path filePath = interactive()->selectOpeningFile("Title", dir, filter);


You can do anything with the user using your dialogue
(just like when using the launcher)

RetVal<Val> rv = interactive()->require("musescore://devtools/launcher/sample?title='Test'");
if (rv.ret) {
    LOGI() << "received: " << rv.val.toString();
} else if (check_ret(rv.ret, Ret::Code::Cancel)) {
    LOGI() << "was cancelled";
} else {
    LOGE() << "some error: " << rv.ret.code();




  1. Set up developer environment
  2. Install Qt and Qt Creator
  3. Get MuseScore's source code
  4. Install dependencies
  5. Compile on the command line
  6. Compile in Qt Creator

Beyond compiling

  1. Find your way around the code
  2. Submit a Pull Request
  3. Fix the CI checks

Misc. development

Architecture general




Google Summer of Code


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