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@delucis delucis released this 31 Jan 17:47
· 29 commits to master since this release

What’s changed?

  • 🆕 ✨ Automatically resize modules when created as a new bpatcher (#19)
  • 🆕 Add “Module Finder” extra to make it easier to find relevant modules (c62ae2f)
  • Improve unintuitive inlet ordering vs GUI ordering in 264.reverb~ (#18, closes #8)
  • Update init, interfaces, parameter catalogue, and package-info (c802cca, 1df0565)

See full history →

How to install

  1. If you have previously installed a copy of 264 Tools, delete it from your Max Packages directory.

  2. Download the latest release by clicking on ‘Source code’ above

  3. Uncompress your download to your Max Packages directory.
    You can find this under ~/Documents/Max 7/Packages for Max 7 or ~/Documents/Max 8/Packages for Max 8.

  4. Open (or restart) Max.