This application is just for demo-test version built using React Native version 0.61.5 (stable).
We have designed our own project structure and boilerplate thats optimized and easy to use after many experiences which have configured and preinstalled daily to use plugins, configuration, multilingual support, components and utils to make development quicker and not to repeat basic steps again and again.
In this project, I have use react hooks instead of class components as they are clean, easy to use and newly release by react Team.
Code is breakdown in some components where needed.
- All code exist under folder src
- All app level themes which includes fonts,colors,typography etc are under theme folder
- Test cases written in root folder name tests which has snapshot and functional test cases
As per requirement for persist data, I have used redux and redux-persist to store data in offline mode
As per requirement, is used for displaying weather information.
Clone and install all the depedencies using command
or npm install
Command to run android
npx react-native run-android
Command to run iOS
npx react-native run-ios
In this application, all the test cases are under tests folder
Run following command in the root folder
yarn run test
This project is developed by HUL-HUB Mobile Team