Status do Projeto: Em desenvolvimento
LaTeX class for the Ph.D. thesis
This is a LaTeX class for the Ph.D. thesis of Gleb Wataghin Institute of Physics at the University of Campinas.
To use locally just put the file ifgw.cls in the same directory as the document.
To load the class, use the following comand:
By default, the a4paper, 12pt and oneside options are passed. You must provide the title, subtitle, institute and university, both in portuguese and in english.
portuguese declaration={},
english declaration={},
These macros set the author, title, subtitle, supervisor, co-supervisor (optional), the name of the Institute, the name of the University, the city, the logo and the text for the cover page, respectively.
The abstract, resumo and the acknowledgement sections can be done as follows:
Also there are a new macro to make long citations,
Putting all together:
\documentclass[oneside, 12pt]{ifgw}
\author{Anakin Skywalker}
\cosupervisor[Co-orientador]{Obi-Wan Kenobi}
\supervisor[Orientador]{Master Yoda}
english={Star Wars},
portuguese={Guerra nas estrelas},
english={May the Force be with you},
portuguese={Que a Força esteja com você},
english={Darth Plagueis Institute},
portuguese={Instituto Darth Plagueis},
english={University of the Galactic Empire},
portuguese={Universidade do Império Galático},
portuguese declaration={
Tese apresentada ao \theinstitute~da \theuniversity~como
parte dos requisitos exigidos para a obtenção do título de
\uppercase{Doutor em Ciências}, na Área de \uppercase{Física}.
english declaration={
Thesis presented to the \theinstitute[e]~of the \theuniversity[e]~in
partial fulfillment of the requirements for the de\-gree of
\uppercase{Doctor of Science}, in the area of \uppercase{Physics}.
Es\-te tra\-ba\-lho cor\-res\-pon\-de à ver\-são fi\-nal da
te\-se de\-fen\-di\-da pe\-lo a\-lu\-no \theauthor~e
ori\-en\-ta\-da pe\-lo Prof. Dr. \thesupervisor.
\dedication{To my son, Luke Skywalker.}
\epigraph{Master Yoda}{May the Force be with you!}