Generates a file for including scripts
npm i -D webpack-wordpress-entrypoints
const webpackWpEntrypoints = require('webpack-wordpress-entrypoints');
const extractSass = new MiniCssExtractPlugin({
filename: './css/[name].css',
module.exports = (env, argv) => {
return {
entry: {
//The queue specified here affects the output.
"first": [jsPath + 'first.js'],
"second": [jsPath + 'second.js'],
"last": [jsPath + 'last.js'],
output: {
path: './dist/',
filename: 'js/[name].js',
plugins: [
new webpackWpEntrypoints({
type: 'wp', //Default: wp. If you specify "json" here, the output will be in json format
path: './', //Main directory where are the theme of the site. Default: './';
filename: 'wwe_entrypoints.php', //You can specify the path to save the file. The file will be saved in the directory: path + filename. Default: wwe_entrypoints.php
dependentHandleNameTemplate: '{{name}}~{{i}}~{{file}}', //Applies only to dependent scripts. {{name}} - handle name. {{file}} - file name. {{i}} - the number of scenarios of current entry points
dependentHandleStyleNameTemplate: '', //Applies only to dependent scripts and styles. Inherited from dependentHandleNameTemplate, if it is empty. {{name}} - handle name. {{file}} - file name. {{i}} - the number of scenarios of current entry points
entryOptions: {
"first": {
registerHandleScript: '', //Used for the first argument to the wp_register_script function.
registerHandleStyle: '', //Used for the first argument to the wp_register_style function.
dependentHandleNameTemplate: '', //Inherited from the main setting.
dependentHandleStyleNameTemplate: '', //Inherited from the main setting.
dependence: ['second'], //Sets the dependency of this script on another
dependenceCss: [], //Sets the dependency of this style on another
async: true, //Set the async attribute for this file only.
defer: false, //defer and async cannot be installed together, only async will be used
footer: true, //Put the script at the bottom of the wordpress site. If set to null, it will only register the script, but not enable it.
admin: true, //Include the script to the wordpress admin panel. If set to null, it will only register the script, but not enable it.
adminCss: undefined, //Include the style to the wordpress admin panel. If set to null, it will only register the script, but not enable it. Default: same as admin
gutenberg: false, //Include the script to the gutenberg editor. If set to null, it will only register the script, but not enable it.
gutenbergCss: name, //Include the style to the gutenberg editor. If set to null, it will only register the script, but not enable it. Default: same as gutenberg
theme: true, //Include the script to the site theme. If set to null, it will only register the script, but not enable it.
themeCss: undefined, //Include the style to the site theme. If set to null, it will only register the script, but not enable it. Default: same as theme
excludeScripts: false, //true - Excludes script output. Inherits the value of the main option.
excludeStyles: false, //true - Excludes style output. Inherits the value of the main option.
criticalStyles: [ //The order of connecting styles depends on the order in which you specify the objects.
test: /critical\..*\.css/, //regexp or function, false - skip. The function receives 3 arguments: fileName, content, info - object with information about the file (only since webpack version >= 5).
theme: true, //Does not inherit the values of the main options.
admin: false, //Does not inherit the values of the main options.
gutenberg: false, //Does not inherit the values of the main options.
footer: false, //Does not inherit the values of the main options. Works with theme only.
conditions: `is_front_page() || is_archive()`, //wordpress functions are inserted into the "if ({{conditions}})" check condition
variableTemplate: undefined, //Template for generating output of styles: {{styles}} - inserts a variable with styles.
registerHandleStyle: null, //If set, automatic inclusion on the page will be skipped.
customFiles: { //You can connect your own custom scripts.
js: [
src: devMode? `http://localhost:${WPConfig.proxy.port}/browser-sync/browser-sync-client.js` : false, //In this example, we have a condition that is triggered only during development modes. If you specify false, then the script will not be included.
handle: false, //If not set, a hash from src will be generated.
dependence: undefined, //Inherits the value of the main option.
gutenberg: undefined, //Inherits the value of the main option.
admin: undefined, //Inherits the value of the main option.
theme: undefined, //Inherits the value of the main option.
async: undefined, //Inherits the value of the main option.
footer: undefined, //Inherits the value of the main option.
css: []
dependence: ['jquery'], //Sets the dependence of all scripts on the specified. Default: [].
dependenceCss: [], //Sets the dependence of all styles on the specified. Default: [].
async: false, //Set the async attribute for all files. Default: false.
defer: true, //defer and async cannot be installed together, only async will be used. Default: true.
footer: true, //Put scripts at the bottom of the wordpress site. Default: true.
admin: false, //Include scripts to the wordpress admin panel. Default: false.
adminCss: undefined, //Include styles to the wordpress admin panel. Default: same as admin
gutenberg: false, //Include the script to the gutenberg editor
gutenbergCss: name, //Include the style to the gutenberg editor. Default: same as gutenberg
theme: true, //Include scripts to the site theme. Default: true.
themeCss: undefined, //Include styles to the site theme. Default: same as theme
excludeScripts: false, //true - Exclude scripts from code generation.
excludeStyles: false, //true - Exclude styles from code generation.
optimization: {
splitChunks: {
cacheGroups: {
criticalStyles: { //For this setting to work, the required styles are required to be included as js modules. For example index.js -> import './src/css/some.critical.scss';
name: "critical",
chunks: "all",
test: (module) => {
return /critical\.scss/.test(module._identifier);
priority: 20,
maxSize: 99999999,
enforce: true,
Roughly generated code, this code is unrelated to the above configuration.
$wwe_template_directory_uri = !empty($wwe_template_directory_uri)? $wwe_template_directory_uri : get_template_directory_uri();
add_filter( "script_loader_tag", function( $tag, $handle ){
if($handle == "build"){
return str_replace( " src", " defer src", $tag );
if($handle == "gutenberg.js.bundle"){
return str_replace( " src", " defer src", $tag );
if($handle == "gutenberg"){
return str_replace( " src", " defer src", $tag );
return $tag;
}, 10, 2 );
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', function() use($wwe_template_directory_uri){
wp_register_script('gutenberg.js.bundle', $wwe_template_directory_uri . '/_dist/js/gutenberg.js.bundle.js', array('jquery'), undefined, true );
wp_register_script('build', $wwe_template_directory_uri . '/_dist/js/build.ddca7998b98c837c58eb.js', array('gutenberg.js.bundle','jquery'), undefined, true );
wp_register_style('gutenberg.js.bundle', $wwe_template_directory_uri . '/_dist/css/gutenberg.js.bundle.css', array(), undefined );
wp_register_style('build.ddca7998b98c837c58eb', $wwe_template_directory_uri . '/_dist/css/build.ddca7998b98c837c58eb.css', array(), undefined );
wp_register_style('gutenberg', $wwe_template_directory_uri . '/theme_plugins/gutenberg/dist/css/gutenberg.css', array(), undefined );
add_action( 'enqueue_block_editor_assets', function() use($wwe_template_directory_uri){
wp_register_script('gutenberg', $wwe_template_directory_uri . '/theme_plugins/gutenberg/dist/js/gutenberg.ddca7998b98c837c58eb.js', array('jquery'), undefined, true );
wp_register_style('gutenberg', $wwe_template_directory_uri . '/theme_plugins/gutenberg/dist/css/gutenberg.css', array(), undefined );
$wwe_style_0 = <<<TEXT
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', function() use($wwe_style_0) {
if(is_front_page() || is_archive()){
wp_register_style('wwe_critical_styles-0', false, false, false, true);
wp_add_inline_style('wwe_critical_styles-0', $wwe_style_0);
}, 1);
"scripts": [
"name": "build",
"file": "_dist/js/build.ddca7998b98c837c58eb.js",
"dependent": [
"file": "_dist/js/gutenberg.js.bundle.js",
"name": "gutenberg.js.bundle",
"customDependent": [
"defer": true,
"footer": true
"customDependent": [
"async": false,
"defer": true,
"footer": true,
"admin": false,
"gutenberg": false,
"theme": true
"name": "gutenberg",
"file": "theme_plugins/gutenberg/dist/js/gutenberg.ddca7998b98c837c58eb.js",
"dependent": [],
"customDependent": [
"async": false,
"defer": true,
"footer": true,
"admin": false,
"gutenberg": true,
"theme": false
"styles": [
"file": "_dist/css/gutenberg.js.bundle.css",
"name": "gutenberg.js.bundle",
"customDependent": [],
"admin": false,
"gutenberg": false,
"theme": true
"file": "_dist/css/build.ddca7998b98c837c58eb.css",
"name": "build.ddca7998b98c837c58eb",
"customDependent": [],
"admin": false,
"gutenberg": false,
"theme": true
"file": "theme_plugins/gutenberg/dist/css/gutenberg.css",
"name": "gutenberg",
"customDependent": [],
"admin": false,
"gutenberg": true,
"theme": true