This software is a class library that analyzes the data of the type used in the exchange of ADIF log of amateur radio, to deploy an array of PHP.
When passing parameters directly to the data:
$data = <<<FOO
test test test
$adif = new adif($data);
$data = $adif->parser();
ADIF file to specify:
$adif = new adif('LOGLIST.adi');
$data = $adif->parser();
ADIF files are based on the file that is output from the Hamlog. Accordingly, the character code in the Shift-JIS, length value should be stored with a 2-byte multi-byte. Please specify in one byte in a multi-byte character if UTF-8. In that case,
$adif = new adif('LOGLIST.adi', array('code' => 'utf-8'));
Please specify the option code as. Will be converted to UTF-8 and will be deployed in an array of PHP.
Details on how to use these functions, please refer to the (adifTest.php) test case files of PHPUnit.
If you find any bugs, add a test case, please report it.
ADIF data format specification
Copyright © 2012 mune ando Listributed under the MIT License.