this is a collection of templates (with Makefile) for different FPGA's and toolchains
all templates are generated by the project with an minimal configuration (blinking LED)
- Alhambra-II (ice40hx4k)
- ICEBreakerV1.0e (ice40up5k)
- TangNano20K (GW2AR-LV18QN88C8/I7)
- TangPrimer20K (GW2A-LV18PG256C8/I7)
- arty-a7-35t (xc7a35ticsg324-1l)
- Colorlight5A-75E (ecp5-25K)
- Colorlight_i5-v7.0 (ecp5-25K)
- Lattice-ICE40HX8K (ICE40HX8K)
- Olimex-ICE40HX8K-EVB (ICE40HX8K)
- TangNano9K (GW1NR-LV9QN88PC6/I5)
- TinyFPGA-BX (ice40lp8k)
- Cyclone IV FPGA EP4CE6E22C8N Development Board USB V2 (EP4CE6E22C8N / Cyclone IV)
- Open Bench Logic Sniffer (xc3s250e / Spartan-3E)
- Bugblat PIF_2 (LCMXO2-7000HC-5TG144C)
- yosys/nextpnr
- gowin
- ISE/Webpack
- quartus
- Vivado
- Diamond
add the toolchain to your system PATH, in my case:
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/oss-cad-suite/bin/
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2023.1/bin/
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/gowin/IDE/bin/
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/intelFPGA_lite/22.1std/quartus/bin/
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/Xilinx/14.7/ISE_DS/ISE/bin/lin64/
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/diamond/3.12/bin/lin64/
go into the target directory and run make:
cd EP4CE6E22C8/
this is only a small comparison, it is not very meaningful and varies depending on the system and project
time make
Part | Toolchain | duration(user) | duration(system) | files | bitstream |
ice40 hx4k | yosys+nextpnr | 0.79s | 0.08s | blink.v rio.v | rio.bin |
xc7a35ticsg324-1l | vivado | 80.59s | 4.73s | blink.v rio.v | build/rio.bit |
LCMXO2-7000HC-5TG144C | quartus | 8.91s | 0.40s | blink.v rio.v | build/rio_build.bit |
ecp5 25k | yosys+nextpnr | 1.54s | 0.14s | pll.v blink.v rio.v | rio.bit |
ecp5 25k | yosys+nextpnr | 1.50s | 0.14s | pll.v blink.v rio.v | rio.bit |
"Cyclone IV E" EP4CE6E22C8 | quartus | 22.86s | 2.64s | blink.v rio.v | rio.sof |
ice40 up5k | yosys+nextpnr | 0.76s | 0.08s | pll.v blink.v rio.v | rio.bin |
ice40 hx8k | yosys+nextpnr | 0.76s | 0.09s | pll.v blink.v rio.v | rio.bin |
ice40 hx8k | yosys+nextpnr | 0.76s | 0.08s | blink.v rio.v | rio.bin |
GW2AR-18C GW2AR-LV18QN88C8/I7 | gowin | 9.07s | 0.22s | blink.v rio.v | impl/pnr/project.fs |
GW1N-9C GW1NR-LV9QN88PC6/I5 | yosys+nextpnr | 12.71s | 0.73s | blink.v rio.v | rio.fs |
GW2A-18C GW2A-LV18PG256C8/I7 | yosys+nextpnr | 27.36s | 1.60s | blink.v rio.v | rio.fs |
ice40 lp8k | yosys+nextpnr | 0.82s | 0.10s | pll.v blink.v rio.v | rio.bin |
xc3s250e-4-vq100 | ise/webpack | 18.50s | 0.43s | blink.v rio.v | rio.bit |