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@jarrodek jarrodek released this 16 Jan 19:35
· 262 commits to master since this release
  • Upgrade to final web components specification: replacing HTML imports with JavaScript modules
  • Replacing Polymer with super lightweight, almost native, LitElement. This triggers a series of changes:
    • All dash-case attributes are now "no-dash", lowercase, web style attributes. For example old redirect-uri is now redirecturi. This is true for all properties used as HTML attribute. Properties names are the same.
    • New templating engine. API Console now uses lit-html which is performant HTML templating system.
    • Build process is completely different. See documentation at
  • Redesigned base input controls. API console now uses own, material design based, basic UI input controls. It comes with 3 predefined styles:
    • Default - Material design filled style
    • Outlined - Material design outlined state controlled by outlined attribute
    • Anypoint - Compatibility layer with the Anypoint platform. Controlled by compatibility attribute
  • The request panel (aka try it) now only renders editors that corresponds to the API data model. This means that, for example, if headers are not defined for given operation then headers panel is not rendered.
  • Dropped support for tabs view for the editors in the request panel and they are stacked now.
  • Code mirror dependency requires some additional libraries that won't work inside JavaScript module. This means that those libraries have to be included into the web application before initializing the element. See the documentation or readme file for details.
  • API Console is now WCAG compliant. All components used to build the console passed axe-core tests and therefore are fully accessible.
  • The application and the component are now split into separate components. Use api-console custom element for embedding the console inside existing web application and api-console-app to create stand alone application.
  • New demo pages. Preview the console with npm start command (run inside cloned repository) to see API console with various scenarios and configuration options.
  • Removed any reference to CSS mixins (the @apply function). All styling options are now defined via CSS variables. Any styles defined for previous version of API console won't work.
  • Minimised use of icons in favour of regular buttons with labels.
  • This release contains tones of bug fixes and improvements reported by the community and our customers ❤
  • The Chrome proxy extension banner is not rendered by default. Set allowExtensionBanner property to initialize the console with the extension support.
  • Added configuration option to set a static OAuth 2 client ID and secret for the application. This way it is easier to demo an API by providing demo client id.
  • Added markdown sanitization
  • Now XML schemas and examples are propertly rendered.
  • Huge XML schemas are now not syntax highlighted (above 10K characters) as it causes the browser to hang.
  • XML examples are now properly formatted and RAML type name is properly resolved (instead of <model> element)