this repository to save a code to running the machine printer with a instruction and built with python language programming
some of the instructions given are :
- Multi-window. Window untuk menconfig berada di window berbeda dengan window utama program.
- Mampu menyimpan informasi jumlah kertas (berbagai variasi kertas) yang tersedia di tray (bisa diconfig secara manual).
- Menyimpan informasi banyaknya tinta (Yang berkurang per 25x cetak)
- Mampu menghitung sudah berapa kali mencetak (fungsi counter) Selain itu, anda dapat menambahkan fungsi – fungsi lain yang Anda anggap perlu di sebuah mesin cetak otomatis.
We built this project with a team that has been determined to do the final project in this semester for courses programming language. We would thank you to our gratitude to our lecturers who have been patient in teaching us this course our team :
- Abdul Mujiburrohman Luthfi (19507334027)
- Aldiasa Pangestu Aji (19507334007)
- Otniel Andi Hermawan (19507334004)
- Nur Laily Fajriyah (19507334005)
Thank you very much for you'r attention
!! URGENT !! You can see the results of this project in the release feature