mtchllbrrn.github.io Public
This is my personal website. I built it with Jekyll + Poole.
CSS Other UpdatedJul 2, 2017 -
echochainber Public
A simple Meteor + Ethereum message board, proof-of-concept.
JavaScript UpdatedJun 30, 2017 -
houhealth Public
HouHealth is a webapp for viewing Houston's publicly-available health code data.
coven Public
Forked from goddamnyouryan/covenThe front end for http://www.coven.link
Ruby UpdatedJul 7, 2016 -
horizon Public
Forked from rethinkdb/horizonHorizon is a realtime, open-source backend for JavaScript apps.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMay 22, 2016 -
microscope Public
A Meteor-based crowd-sourced link aggregator, like Hacker News, Lobst.rs, et. al.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedOct 11, 2015 -
node-stream-to-mongo Public
Forked from czzarr/node-stream-to-mongoStream objects to a Mongo database
JavaScript UpdatedSep 15, 2015 -
todo_app Public
Just a quick n dirty Rails to-do app, curious to know how fast I can do it
Ruby UpdatedAug 10, 2015 -
Biomound Public
A biologically-informed model of topographic evolution in America's deserts
MATLAB UpdatedAug 5, 2015 -
railschallenge-city-watch Public
Forked from kirkokada/railschallenge-city-watchOur first challenge! Build a JSON API for managing your city's emergency services.
Ruby UpdatedApr 21, 2015 -