Simple toy benchmark for C++ and Python, includes large matrix multiplication, different
algebraic expression and transcendental expression for large vector.
C++ compiler supporting C++17
CMake >= 3.8
Intel tbb
Python >= 3.6
From matmul.cpp:
Standard version:
Time for naive matrix multiplication: 26.716 s / 0.449 GFLOPS
Time for naive with loop interchange: 2.359 s / 5.087 GFLOPS
Time for tiled matrix multiplication: 0.974 s / 12.317 GFLOPS
Parallel version:
Time for naive matrix multiplication: 7.769 s / 1.545 GFLOPS
Time for naive with loop interchange: 0.470 s / 25.548 GFLOPS
Time for tiled matrix multiplication: 0.312 s / 38.414 GFLOPS
From parallel.cpp
for loop version:
Time for an algebraic expression: 0.187 s / 11.924 GB/s
Time for a transcendental expression: 4.671 s / 0.479 GB/s
STL algorithms version:
Time for an algebraic expression: 0.187 s / 11.922 GB/s
Time for a transcendental expression: 4.515 s / 0.495 GB/s
Parallel STL algorithms version:
Time for an algebraic expression: 0.109 s / 20.445 GB/s
Time for a transcendental expression: 0.672 s / 3.328 GB/s
Python version:
Time for an algebraic expression: 22.621 s / 0.099 GB/s
Time for a transcendental expression: 24.880 s / 0.090 GB/s
NumPy version:
Time for an algebraic expression: 1.843 s / 1.213 GB/s
Time for a transcendental expression: 3.421 s / 0.653 GB/s
Numexpr version:
Time for an algebraic expression: 0.141 s / 15.898 GB/s
Time for a transcendental expression: 0.675 s / 3.312 GB/s