- Login, register, forgot password screens
- Register / Forgot password authenticated via OTP with automatic SMS receiving without permission needed
- Optional PIN block with timed autoblock and fingerprint support
- Online terms and conditions access from First screen and drawer
- Chrome tabs / main Browser / WebView automatic selection for online viewing
- Android Oreo autofill support
- Android Account Manager Token storage
- OAuth 2 Token automatic management and renewal
- Preference screens preconfigured
- Full Kotlin
- Android Room based SQLite database
- Android Architecture Components used in Login Register screens
- Kotlin coroutine based background threading for Login Register screens
- Single point of truth based on Database
- RxJava 2 Used for main and detail screens
- Retrofit 2 Backend access
- Dagger 2 Dependency injection
- Push notifications preconfigured
- Clean MVVM / MVP architecture.
- Use Cases for each business rule
- Repositories to isolate Use cases from real data access implementations
- Drawer based navigation
- Either based networks results
- Proguard obfuscation and optimization
- Constraint layouts
- Centralized navigation router
- Reaction to back / foreground events
- Integration tests
- Unit Tests
- MockWebServer Dummy interceptor for testing