- I developed a dynamic and user-friendly e-commerce store using modern web technologies. Leveraging React with TypeScript, Redux for state management, and the Material-UI library along with Styled-Components for styling, I created an engaging shopping experience. The project features a seamless user interface, responsive design, and efficient product catalog management. Through this project, I showcased my proficiency in front-end development and my ability to create robust and visually appealing web applications.
To run the app locally, follow these steps:
Clone the repository from this link: e-commerce Repository
In the root folder, run the following commands:
npm install npm run dev Open your browser and go to this link: http://localhost:5173/
The app is deployed on Netlify. You can access it using this link: Take-Home-Assignment on Netlify.
Please feel free to explore and enjoy the app! If you have any questions or feedback, don't hesitate to reach out to me.
- React
- TypeScript
- Styled Components - Material ui