- Michael Ruiz (Group lead)
- Lai Chi (Lychee) C.
- Michael E.
- Casey N.
A simple turn based tactical rpg game. The point of the game is to eliminate the opposing team's units to claim victory.
WSAD - move cursor
Enter - select
Backspace - back
- mute volume
+ raise volume
DPad - move cursor
A - select
B - back
official download: https://www.sfml-dev.org/tutorials/2.5/
Mac OS:brew install sfml
Ubuntu:apt-get install sfml-dev
Arch Linux:pacman -S sfml
- GCC & GNU Make
Mac OS:
brew install gcc
Ubuntu:apt-get install build-essential
Arch Linux:pacman -S base-devel
make && make run
make clean && make run
Due to the annoying nature of developing on windows, it is not officially supported.
However, it should run fine if you are able to get gcc make
on some sort of windows bash shell or compile the source files yourself.
- SFML https://www.sfml-dev.org/tutorials/2.5/
- GCC & GNU make (probably using cygwin)
- Class attribute and methods are lowercase and words separated by underscore, to differentiate SFML camelcase methods.
- File paths are const strings in their respective class headers.
- Brackets are inline with the function definition.
- Variables declared at beginning of each function and initialized to some default value.
- Class accessor/mutator functions are inline header functions if they are only one line.
- Use define guards in header files as #CIS29GROUP2GAME_(CLASSNAME)_H
- Include headers in the following order: C++ library headers, SFML headers, project headers, const definitions.
- Do not use 'using-directives', with few exceptions the game's classes should be in it's own namespace.
- Each call on new should have a comment listing which function(s) triggers it's deletion. Furthermore, each deletion should assign that pointer to nullptr.
- Class data members should be private or protected, unless they are constant.