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Walkthrough - Azure Active Directory multi-tenant

A step by step guide to creating an ASP.NET hosted Blazor WASM client that uses Azure Active Directory to authenticate.

NOTE: You can read my blog covering this Here - it is almost identical to this document, except it has some additional comments explaining some of the steps.

Why multi-tenant?

Allows absolutely anyone to use your app as long as they have authenticated using Azure Active Directory. The user doesn't need to be in your directory, just some directory.

Note that this doesn't restrict who can access your application, nor what they can do once they've signed in. It just ensures you know the person using your application has gone through the necessary sign-in process on Azure Active Directory.

Creating your Active Directory

Enable Active Directory as a resource provider

  1. Sign into
  2. Select your subscription
  3. In the menu on the left hand side (Left menu) select Resource providers
  4. Click Microsoft.Azure.ActiveDirectory
  5. If its status is not Registered, click Register at the top of the page

Set up Azure Active Directory multi-tenant

  1. From the Azure home page click Create a resource
  2. Search for Azure Active Directory
  3. Find the Azure Active Directory icon (NOT B2C)
  4. Click the Create link at the bottom of the item
  5. Click Azure Active Directory in the popup menu
  6. For Tenant type select Azure Active Directory (NOT B2C)
  7. Click Next
  8. Enter an Organization name and Initial domain name (e.g. MyOrg and MyOrgInitialDomain)
  9. Select your Location
  10. Click Review + create
  11. Click Create

Switch to your new directory

  1. Click your user account icon at the top-right of the page
  2. Click Switch directory in the popup menu
  3. Refresh your browser if your new tenant is not listed
  4. Click Switch next to your new directory in the list

Registering your web application with Azure AAD

Register your application

  1. Click the three horizontal lines (burger menu) at the top-left of the page
  2. Select Azure Active Directory from the popup menu
  3. In the left-menu, click App registrations
  4. Click New registration at the top of the page
  5. Give it a name (e.g. "MyApp")
  6. For Supported account types select Accounts in any organizational directory (Any Azure AD directory - Multitenant)
  7. Under Redirect URI select Single-page application (SPA) for the platform
  8. For the URI enter https://localhost:6510/authentication/login-callback
  9. In the left menu, click Overview
  10. Make a note of the value of Application (client) ID

Callback URI of your website

  1. In the left menu, click Authentication
  2. Under Single-page application click Add URI
  3. Enter the login-callback URI of your app (e.g.
  4. Click Save

Expose an API for your application

  1. Click the burger menu at the top-left of the page
  2. Select Azure Active Directory
  3. In the left menu, click App registrations
  4. Click your application in the list
  5. In the left menu, click Expose an API
  6. At the top of the page, find Application ID URI and click Set
  7. It will default to api://{Application (client) ID}, this ID is acceptable (NOTE: {} denotes the value, e.g. d581756b-53b0-4957-820a-d6aa43fd69de)
  8. Click Save

Add a scope to your API

  1. Click Add a scope
  2. For Scope name enter a name you wish to use to identify the scope (e.g. access_as_user)
  3. For Who can consent select Admins and users
  4. For Admin consent display name enter Read user's profile information`
  5. For Admin consent description enter Allows the application to read the user's profile information
  6. For User consent display name enter Read your profile information
  7. For User consent description enter Allows the application to read your profile information
  8. Ensure Enabled is selected
  9. Click Add scope

Add permissions for your application to use the access_as_user scope

  1. In left menu, click API permissions
  2. Click Add a permission
  3. Click the [My APIs] tab at the top of the popup menu
  4. Click your application in the list of items
  5. In the Permissions section ensure access_as_user is checked
  6. Click `Add permissions

Add permissions for your application to access additional user information

  1. In the same API permissions page, click Add a permission
  2. Select the Microsoft Graph item at the top of the popup menu
  3. Click the Delegated permissions item in the popup menu
  4. Ensure email and openid are both checked
  5. Click 'Add permissions`

Finishing adding permissions

When you've finished the above steps, click the Grant admin consent for {Your organisation name} and then click Yes`. Remember this step if you add any additional permissions in future.

Creating your web application

Create the solution

  1. Create a new ASP.NET hosted Blazor WASM application in Visual Studio
  2. IMPORTANT: For Authentication type select Microsoft identity platform
  3. The Required components wizard will appear and try to connect to your AAD registered app. This will also add items to AAD that we don't want (another app registration)
  4. Click Cancel

Match our sign-in callback URL to the registered application's

Edit Properties/launchSettings.json in both the client and server app, and set the applicationUrl to https://localhost:6510

Set client application configuration for AAD

  1. Edit wwwroot/appsettings.json
  2. Replace the contents with the following
	"AzureAd": {
		"ClientId": "{Application (client) ID}",
		"Authority": ""
	"ServerApi": {
		"Scopes": "api://{Application (client) ID}/access_as_user"
  1. Replace {Application (client) ID} with the GUID you noted earlier

Set up client authentication to read from our configuration

  1. Edit Program.cs
  2. Change the AddMsalAuthentication section so scopes are read from the config file
builder.Services.AddMsalAuthentication(options =>
  builder.Configuration.Bind("AzureAd", options.ProviderOptions.Authentication);
  string? scopes =
      ?? throw new InvalidOperationException("ServerApi::Scopes is missing from appsettings.json");


  // Uncomment the next line if you have problems with a pop-up sign-in window
  // options.ProviderOptions.LoginMode = "redirect";

Set server application configuration for AAD

  1. Edit appsettings.json
  2. Replace the AzureAd section with the following
"AzureAd": {
  "Instance": "",
  "TenantId": "organizations",
  "ClientId": "{Application (client) ID}",
  "Scopes": "api://{Application (client) ID}/access_as_user"
  1. Replace {Application (client) ID} with the GUID you noted earlier

Update the server to use WebApiAuthentication and add Authorization

  1. Edit Program.cs
  2. Replace

Remove server Views support (optional)

  1. Edit Program.cs
  2. Replace

Remove server Razor Pages support (optional)

  1. Edit Program.cs
  2. Remove builder.Services.AddRazorPages();
  3. Remove app.UseRazorPages();

Remove SCOPE requirement from server controller (workaround)

This step is only required until I work out why the user's scopes are not being passed to the server.

  1. Edit WeatherForecastController.cs
  2. Comment out the line with the [RequiredScope] attribute on it


Azure Active Directory multi-tenant walkthrough







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