Larapress is a Wordpress plugin that gives you the power of Laravel routing and controllers.
To use it, simply copy it in your plugins directory and enable it in Wordpress plugins section. Next step is to create a routes.php
file inside your theme directory. This file must follow this structure
$app['router']->get('/sample-route', 'TestController@index');
$app['router']->post('/sample-route', 'TestController@othermethod');
You can also use closure-style routes
$app['router']->get('sample-route', function () {
return "Hello!";
Route parameters are supported, in the standard Laravel way
$app['router']->get('/hello/{name}', 'TestController@hello');
Controllers are located in the controllers
directory in your theme folder. All controllers classes are automatically loaded by the class loader, and they must be structured like this:
// Illuminate\Routing\Controller class namespace
// path must be explicit since we are not inside
// a real Laravel context
class TestController extends Illuminate\Routing\Controller {
public function hello($name)
return "Hello, " . $name;
If you want to access the request object, simply pull in the Laravel Request
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
class ProvaController extends Illuminate\Routing\Controller {
public function index()
$request = Request::createFromGlobals();
// now access the request object
// using the methods defined in
Larapress supports Eloquent models. All model classes in models
directory inside your root theme folder will be automatically loaded and will be available in your controllers/closure-routes. Let's say you define a Post
class in `/models/Post.php``
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model as Eloquent;
class Post extends Eloquent {
public $timestamps = false;
Now you can query your Wordpress posts (don't worry, database connection and table prefix is automatically set using Wordpress configuration). To get all your posts just use the Post
model like you would normally do in Laravel
class PostsController extends Illuminate\Routing\Controller {
public function index()
return Post::where(['post_type' => 'post'])->get();