TSS Windows CMD based Troubleshshooting script toolset
If you don't need TTT/TTD/iDNA tracing, please download the smaller zip tss_tools_v1.*.zip.
If you need the package including the TTT/TTD/iDNA tracing, please download the bigger zip tss_tools_ttt_v1..zip.
Purpose: Multi-purpose Troubleshooting tool to simplify just-in-time rapid data collection for standard and sporadic issues in in complex environments - or is to be considered as a convenient method for submitting and following easy action plans. Copy the relevant tss_tools*.zip_ file and expand it to local disk, i.e. into C:\tools folder; in some scenarios we need to find the additional tools either provided in zip or externally i.e. Sysinternals tools in the path, and the script adds PATH and searches in extracted C:\tools by default.
Please start the script in the C:\tools folder in elevated CMD window.
For help, just run: TSS
C:\tools> tss [parameter list]
Please invoke the tss command with necessary/appropriate parameters from here.
If troubleshooting intermittent/long-term issues, please invoke the script and stop it later in elevated CMD with same Admin User account (because parameters are stored in user’s registry hive [HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\tss.cmd-state*] )
• Tss.cmd is built on t.cmd and fully down-level compatible (accepts same parameters as t.cmd), and provides a Persistent switch to capture debug ETL, network sniff, WPR and ProcMon data at boot time. (Example: tss.cmd CliOn Trace Persistent)
• For overview of possible command switches, run tss.cmd without any parameter; for full help, run ‘tss /help’
• The tss*.zip file contains additional binaries (*.exe, *.dll) and helper.cmd scripts needed for correct usage of some parameters, like WPR tracing, Procmon tracing, or purging older trace files.
• You can use *On paramaters [clion][srvon][Ron] individually or in combination, but at least one of clion, srvon, Ron must be specified.
• In typical reproduction scenarios you would start tracing, reproduce the problem, then stop tracing, Example:
o Start tracing: Tss Ron Trace Procmon PSR
o ..Now reproduce problem scenario
o Stop tracing: Tss off
o Predefined -+scenarios don’t require the ‘tss off’, just hit any key when your failure scenario is finished.
• Most troubleshooting scenarios do not require any changes within the script itself, but you could adjust settings in the section
::::::: Configuration parameters, you can modify for your needs :::::::::
Frequently used parameters are read in from configuration file tss_config.cfg, and editing this file is the preferred option when you need to change default parameters like _DirWork, which is the default location for resulting data set.
• You can adjust additional scripts to run at start or stop time
I. Start of repro: tss_extra_repro_steps_AtStart.cmd
II. Before stopping repro: tss_extra_repro_steps_AtStop.cmd
III. As a condition to stop tracing: tss_stop_condition_script.cmd to be leveraged by TSS switch stop:Cmd
If you start the script without any parameters, you will see available options in the help menu:
C:\tools> tss
Enabling Tracing:
usage: tss [clion][srvon][Ron] + see below section [Ron] Options for predefined scenarios: - and [Ron] Additional options:
At least one of CliOn, SrvOn, Ron (= ReproOn) must be specified.
cliOn - generate client component ETL-logs
srvOn - generate server component ETL-logs
rOn - collecting Repro data and logs
if [rOn] you can choose any combination of available Ron options below, i.e [Trace:N:scenario]
Remove - remove persistent network and ETL component tracing; cleanup Registry settings
Query - query active ms_* Data Collector Set (LOGMAN QUERY, LOGMAN QUERY -ets)
[for cliOn/srvOn -only] Collection options:
capture - [downlevel t.cmd] in combination with cliOn, srvOn: enable packet capture (Windows 7 / 2008 R2 or newer)
circ:N - generate circular logs of size N megabytes (default circular buffer size is 250 MB per log)
cluster - collect Cluster event logs
csv - generate cluster CSV component traces
hyperv - collect Hyper-V event logs
persistent - choosen ETL-logs, NETSH traces or ProcMon will be activated only after next reboot
[rOn] Options for predefined Tss scenarios:
Auth -+ scenario: Authentication logs (Kerberos, NTLM, SSL, negoexts, pku2u, Http), network trace, Procmon, SDP
Branchcache -+ scenario: Branchcache+BITS logs, network trace, PSR, Perfmon:BC, SDP
CSC -+ scenario: OfflineFiles infos, CSC database dump, network trace, PSR, Procmon, SDP (tss cliOn Csc)
DFScli -+ scenario: DFS client logs, network trace, PSR, Procmon, SDP (tss cliOn DFScli)
DNScli -+ scenario: DNS client logs, network trace, PSR, SDP
MsCluster -+ scenario: MsCluster related logs: NetFt, LBFO, Storport, network trace, Perfmon:SQL, ClusterLog
SQLtrace -+ scenario: SQL server related logs and TraceChn, Perfmon:SQL
UNChard -+ scenario: UNChardening logs, Auth, GPsvc, network trace, Procmon:Boot, SDP (tss cliOn UNChard)
WebClient[:Adv] -+ scenario: WebClient logs, WebIO ETL, network trace, PSR, Proxy, SDP, [def:Basic, Adv= incl. iDNA, requires TTT] (tss cliOn Webclient)
- more options to control noSDP, noPSR, noProcmon, noGPresult, noCrash in preconfigured scenarios, see also tss_config.cfg
[rOn] Additional options:
802Dot1x[:LAN|WLAN] - collect 802.1x ETL and network trace data for wired LAN or WiFi wireless WLAN, default=LAN
AccessChk - collect AccessChk logs
AfdTcp - collect Afd and TcpIp ETL-log
Bluetooth - collect Bluetooth logs
Crash - to be used at stop, or together with Stop trigger, Caution: this switch will force a memory dump, open files won't save. Run 'tss remove' after reboot, see KB969028
CSVspace - collect CSV_space ETL-log
DAcli - collect DirectAccess client info at TSS OFF
DAsrv[:wfp] - collect DirectAccess server ETL-log, network trace scenario=DirectAccess,WFP-IPsec , get netlogon.log
DCOM - collect DCOM ETL-log, Reg-settings and SecurityDescriptor info
DFSsrv - collect DFS server ETL-log and Eventlog
DHCPcli - collect DHCP client ETL-log and DHCP Reg info
DHCPsrv - collect DHCP server Eventlog ETL-log PsCmdlets 'netsh dhcp server' info
DNSsrv - collect DNS server DNScmd PsCmdlets ETL-log and Eventlog
ETLmax:[N:NrKeep] - set upper limit of ETL log file size, Range:100-4096, Circ:N has precedence for cliOn/srvOn, [def:N=1024 (MB), NrKeep=10]
Evt[:Sys|App|Sec] - collect System, Application, Security Eventlogs, default is Sys+App Eventlogs
Fiddler - collect Fiddler trace
Firewall - collect Firewall ETL-log and Firewall REG settings and Eventlog
GPresult - collect GPresult, Auditing and Security logs
GPsvc - collect Group Policy GPsvc.log, netlogon.log
Handle[:start|stop] - collect handle.exe output at stage Start or Stop [def:Stop]
HttpSys - collect HTTP.SYS ETL logging, i.e. on IIS server
HypHost - collect HyperV-Host, HyperV-VMbus, Vmms ETL-log, includes LBFO
HypVM - collect HyperV-VirtualMachine ETL-log
iDNA:PID|name[:maxF:Full|ring|onLaunch] - collect iDNA/TTT dump for process ID or service name or unique ProcessName (requires tss_tools_ttt_v1.*.zip) [defaults: maxF=2048 mode=Full]
IPAM - collect IPAM ETL-log and IPAM specific Event-Logs
IPsec - collect IPsec ETL-log
LBFO - collect LBFO teaming session (included in HypHost)
LiveKd[:start|stop] - Execute kd/windbg memory dump on a live system at stage Start or Stop [def:Stop]
MBN - collect MBN Mobile Broadband (includes WFP) ETL-log and Firewall info
Mini - collect only minimal data, no supporting information data like Sysinfo, Tasklist, Services, Registry hives
Miracast - collect Miracast, please also add PSR
NetIO - collect NetIO, Winsock-AFD, TcpIP, WebIO, WFP ETL-log (includes AfdTcp)
NetView - collect Get-NetView infos for diagnosing Microsoft Networking
NLA - collect NLA and NCSI ETL-log, run NCSI_detect script
NLB - collect NLB (includes AfdTcp, WFP +) ETL-log
NPS - collect NPS ETL-log, RAS diag and NPS tracing
PCI - collect PCI, setupapi and msinfo32 infos
Perfmon[:spec:int] - collect Perfmon logs, spec: choose CORE|DISK|SQL|BC|DC [def:CORE], Interval: 1-59 sec [def:59]
persistent - choosen ETL logs, NETSH traces, ProcMon or WPR will be activated, requires a reboot, then settings will be active
ProcDump:PID|name[:N:Int:Start|Stop] - collect N user dumps with ProcDump.exe for process ID or service name or unique ProcessName [defaults: N=3, Int=10, Stop]
ProcMon[:Boot|Purge:N] - collect ProcMon [Bootlog] trace, [Purge:N]: purge older *.pml files, keep number N [def:5]
ProcTrack[:module|thread] - collect process tracking ETL, [Module: with Module load activity | Thread: with Thread+Module load activity]
Proxy - collect Proxy settings and related Registry settings
PSR[:maxsc] - collect Problem Step Recorder (PSR) screenshots, [def: maxsc=99], starting timedate.cpl
RAS - collect RAS ETL-log, includes VpnClient_dbg trace
REG[:spec] - collect Registry hives, spec: choose all|ATP|Auth|Branchcache|CSC|Firewall|Proxy|Rpc|tcp|UNChard|Webclient|VPN [def:all]
Rpc - collect RPC, RpcSs and DCOM ETL-log
SCM - collect Service Control Manager ETL-log
SDP[:spec] - collect psSDP report, default SDP category= NET, choose [Net|Dom|CTS|Print|HyperV|Setup|Perf|Cluster|SQLbase|Mini|Nano]
SignPs1 - used to selfSign PowerShell .ps1 files at first run, so that they run with any ExecutionPolicy requiring script signing
Stop:Evt:ID[:Sys|App|Sec|Other:EventlogName[:EventData]] - stop data collection on trigger Eventlog: EventID and optional App, Sys, Sec; Other for _EventlogName in tss_config.cfg
Stop:Log[:pollInt] - stop data collection on trigger Logfile: optional PollIntervall-in-sec (def pollInt=10); edit criteria in tss_config.cfg
Stop:Cmd[:pollInt] - stop data collection on trigger tss_stop_condition_script: optional PollIntervall-in-sec (def pollInt=8)
Example: stop:Evt:999:App =Stop on Event ID# 999 in Application Event log
stop:Evt:40962/40961:Other:Microsoft-Windows-PowerShell/Operational:3221226599 =Stop on Event ID# 40962 or 40961 in Microsoft-Windows-PowerShell/Operational Event log
stop:Log:5 =Stop on Search-string entry in specific Log file, PollInt: 5sec, all to be defined within tss_config.cfg
stop:Cmd =Stop based on condition given in tss_stop_condition_script.cmd
StorPort - collect StorPort ETL-log
SysInfo - collect SystemInfo (msinfo32)
Trace[:N:scenario:fileMode] - capture circular NETSH trace, N: bufferSize MB, separate multiple scenario names with '/' [def:bufferSize=300, Scenario=InternetClient, fileMode=circular]
for available tracing scenarios, type: 'netsh trace show scenarios', [for SrvCORE def:InternetServer], scenario 'Capture' will only sniff
TraceChn[:N:scenario:NrKeep] - capture chained NETSH trace, chunk bufferSize MB [def:300, Scenario=InternetClient, NrKeep=10]
TraceNM[:N] - capture requires Netmon NMcap.exe, N: bufferSize MB [def:300]
TraceNMchn[:N:NrKeep] - chained capture requires Netmon NMcap.exe, N: bufferSize MB [def:300, NrKeep=10]
Video - collect ScreenRecorder Video ~6 MB/min (requires Feature 'Desktop Experience' on server edition; needs DeCoder for viewing), starting timedate.cpl
VPN - collect VPN ETL data (includes AfdTcp) and network trace
VSS - collect Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) reports
WorkFolders[:Adv] - collect WorkFolders infos, if Adv collect AdvancedMode with restart of service
WebIO - collect WinHttp, WinInet, WebIO ETL-log, i.e. for WebClient or Outlook
WFP - collect WFP Windows Filtering Platform, BFE (Base Filtering Engine), includes AfdTcp ETL-log
Winsock - collect Winsock ETL-log, includes NDIS, AfdTcp ETL-log
WPR[:spec] - collect WPR trace, spec: choose Storage|CPU|Wait|General [def:General]
WLAN - collect WLAN ETL and network trace data for WiFi wireless WLAN (same as 802Dot1x)
WWAN - collect WWAN ETL-log
Xperf[:spec] - collect Xperf trace, spec: choose General|SMB2 [def:General], alternatively: you may put your Xperf command into tss_extra_repro_steps_AtStart.cmd
Disabling Tracing:
usage: tss off [nocab] [nobin] [noSDP]
off - turn off tracing
nocab - do not compress traces
nobin - do not gather system binaries matching the captured traces
-> see 'tss /help' for detailed help info
Predefined parameters in tss_config.cfg
@rem Disk and folder path of data collection results, i.e. D:\MS_DATA - only use local disk!
@rem For using 'Stop:Log' trigger specify path of monitored Logfile, optional PollIntervall-in-sec (def pollInt=8)
@rem next 3 variables control the frequency of purging chained Network Traces or Procmon logs
@rem next 3 variables are for 'AccessChk', please verify if disk, folder and file names exist
_ShareNames=C$ D$ E$
_FolderPaths=C:\DFSroots D:\ E:\
@ controlling Branchcache/BITS
@rem ex: _EventlogName=Microsoft-Windows-PowerShell/Operational and _Stop_EventID=40962/40961 are used by 'stop:Evt:ID:Other:EvtLogname:Code' to stop i.e. on multiple events
@rem write an EventID 999 into remote hosts eventlog to stop TSS at remote host, if started with 'stop:Evt:999'; comma separated list like =host1,host2
@rem TSS tasks/parameters that will be skipped on local PC at 'tss OFF' or using 'stop:Evt' when EventID created by source 'TSS' is found; comma separated list
@rem _ClusterLog=0 : don't collect cluster log; _Cluster_GetLogs=1 : collect cluster info via PS script tss_Cluster_GetLogs.ps1
@rem To skip data compression/zip at stop of TSS, set nocab=1
@rem To turn off asking for SDP reports at end of TSS, set _noSDP=1
@rem To turn off Procmon logging in TS_Scenarios, set _noProcmon=1
@rem To turn off PSR logging in TS_Scenarios, set _noPSR=1
@rem To turn off GPresult logs in TS_Scenarios, set _noGPresult=1
TSS scenarios are predefined data collection sets, which include all necessary data like PSR, ProcMon, Perfmon or ETL tracing logs. All these predefined scenarios include network tracing/sniffing:
#1 Collect logs for UNC hardening issues, log on as local Admin, open elevated CMD window and run: (Scenario includes persistent Client SMB ETL-logs, Network Trace, Gpresult, GPsvc, Auth, Registry, Procmon, SDP)
C:\tools> tss Clion Ron UNChard
#2 Collect Branchcache logs (Scenario includes Network Trace, PSR, Gpresult, Registry, Perfmon, SDP)
C:\tools> tss Ron Branchcache
#3 Collect DFS client logs (Scenario includes Network Trace, PSR, Gpresult, Procmon, SDP)
C:\tools> tss CliOn Ron DFScli
#4 Collect DNS client logs (Scenario includes Network Trace, PSR, SDP)
C:\tools> tss Ron DNScli
#5 Collect logs for SQLtracing
(Scenario includes Network Trace, Perfmon)
C:\tools> tss Ron SQLtrace
#6 Collect logs for CSC Offline Files (Scenario includes Client SMB ETL-logs, Network Trace, Gpresult, Registry, PSR, Procmon, SDP)
C:\tools> tss CliOn Ron CSC
#7 Collect logs for Authentication provider (Scenario includes Client SMB, SSL,HTTPsys ETL-logs, Network Trace, Gpresult, Registry, PSR, Procmon, SDP)
C:\tools> tss CliOn Ron Auth
#8 Collect logs for MS-cluster (Scenario includes Network Trace, NetFT+LBFO+Cluster ETL, Storport, Perfmon, SDP)
C:\tools> tss Ron MsCluster
#9 Collect logs for WebClient (similar to interactive WebClient SDP)
(Scenario includes Network Trace, WebIO ETL, Proxy, PSR, Procmon, SDP, Advanced includes TTT/iDNA)
C:\tools> tss CliOn Ron Webclient[:Adv]
#10 DiskSpeed tests, for more info see 'tss /help'
C:\tools> tss Ron DsR:D:1024:300:10G
Above commands will start the data collection and most will stop on predefined scenarios after hitting ANY-key.
To stop data collection logging for non-predefined scenarios, run:
C:\tools> tss off
( if you use ‘tss off nocab’ the data in C:\MS_DATA<date-time folder> will not be compressed; using noSDP will not ask for SDP report.)
Some of the scenarios will ask for the SDP report at the end of the data collection. Note: up to TSS version 1.68, the default included SDP report Portable_Diagnostic.exe is the Network Diagnostic from https://home.diagnostics.support.microsoft.com/selfhelp
This SDP tool Portable_Diagnostic.exe can also be downloaded now separately from same GitHub location, but be aware:
For this SDP report, at the end of SDP data collection please uncheck ‘[ ] Send results to Microsoft’ click [Save a copy], then click [Next]. Please upload the saved report manually onto MS workspace.
TSS version 1.69 and later will invoke the already included PowerShell script based psSDP report, which runs on all OS versions, including Server core 2016. To start the psSDP report separately, open an elevated PowerShell window and enter for EXAMPLE
.\Get-psSDP.ps1 Net -savePath C:\temp
for collecting SDP NETworking Diagnostic data, saving data to folder C:\temp
.\Get-psSDP.ps1 Mini
for SDP Basic minimal data collection, saving data to current folder
.\Get-psSDP.ps1 Net NoCab
for SDP Net without zipping results
More Examples:
A) You want to stop tracing based on a trigger Eventlog ID or some specific error entry in a log file for issues, which occur sporadically: use the Stop feature:
Example: C:\tools> tss Ron traceChn:1 stop:Log
stop:Log[:pollInt] - stop data collection on trigger Logfile: optional PollIntervall-in-sec (def pollInt=10)
Examples: stop:Evt:999:App =Stop on Event in Application Event log with Event ID# 999 (def: App:999 )
stop:Log:5 =Stop on Search-string entry in specific Log file, both to be defined within tss_TestLogFile.cfg
regarding second example, if you want to stop tracing based on a specific Windows Log entry, you can adjust the first two parameters in the file tss_TestLogFile.cfg, and optionally adjust 3rd parameter LogPollIntervalSec:
set LogFilePath=!_MS_ScriptDir!\tss_StopTokenFile._tmp
set LogPollIntervalSec=8
Read the file tss_StopTokenFile._tmp for testing your config.
B) You want to run extra commands right after the script begins to start running? No problem, just edit the included batch file tss_extra_repro_steps_AtStart.cmd and modify it for your own needs. This batch file will be executed at each start of 'tss Ron' =ReproOn.
C) You want to run extra commands before the script ends repro? No problem, just edit the included batch file tss_extra_repro_steps_AtStop.cmd and modify it for your own needs. This batch file will be executed at end of repro and before 'tss OFF' =ReproOFF.
D) You want to stop tracing based on specific conditions? No problem, just edit the included batch file tss_stop_condition_script.cmd and modify it for your own needs (i.e. by default: check if File share is available).
When using the Persistent switch, the settings will be active after each reboot, unless you decide to remove it by running following command, when you are finished with all of your troubleshooting:
C:\tools> Tss remove
Some parameters are mutually exclusive: don’t combine [capture], [trace] or [traceChn]
If you want to use the SDP switch with a specialty switch, just supply your SDP sceciality: default SDP category= NET, choose [Net|Dom|CTS|Print|HyperV|Setup|Perf|Mini|Nano]
In case of unforeseen errors, please be sure to stop tracing “tss off” before starting a new trace session. Also try “tss remove” if you can’t recover (new start of tss .. fails, stop command tss off also fails)