Application Prototyping using Adobe XD and Software Engineering design methods including full SRS Document
MeetMinder was a full semester project from my CSIS 521 course at Saginaw Valley State University which I had a lot of fun with. Working with my teammates, we created MeetMinder, a team gathering app that tracks each user's whereabouts and allows meetings to take place more efficiently with notifications and GPS tracking.
The app prototype GUI was built using Adobe XD. Full documentation and design files are included. This incluces a full Software Requirement Specification document and Use Case scenarios. You can see the linked prototype here:
The prototype works better in Adobe XD instead of the browser, but you can click the images above to go to the Grid view of the prototype. Keep in mind that this was a prototype design of an app to plan for the actual implementation. A big part of Software Engineering is developing something in the early stages, figuring out how to implement something and what methods to use. We created the requirements and design of the app which was the biggest part.