UPDATED 110312 Version: So Alpha It Hurts.
ITP Midterm project for Designing Conversation Spaces at ITP, 2011.
Build is in Ruby, Sinatra, DataMapper, SQLite3
EXEgist is an experimental conversation space that provides the user with the ability to comment inline on any sentence in an article.
ADD COMMENT - Click on any sentence and you can read all the comments within it.
If you have the add comment and click on the sentence, you’ll be able to add a comment to it.
There are additional features on the sidebar
COMMENT LENGTH - In the hopes of encouraging longer comments, we have an optional button that is auto-set to hide comments that are under 25 words.
COMMENT DEPTH - The ability to see just see no comments, the first layer, or all the layers. Ultimately the goal is to have the comment depth be controlled entirely by the user.
CONTRIBUTORS - The ability to single out the contributions from a specific contributor to either see just their comments or mute their comments.
add username to comments immediately after posting!
we could probably stand to improve the instructions, both in terms of the text and by putting it somewhere besides the login page.
the “add a comment” form cannot be closed once opened.
adding a comment on a comment inexplicably added a duplicate of the comment on another random comment!
normal expand/collapse controls (clicking on the comments) doesn’t always work (esp. for short comments) - since the sidebar controls seem to work well, you we should think about translating their form to the normal expand/collapse behavior.
added instructions/introduction to the login page
added “logged in as” indicator
misc. minor cosmetic tweaks
fixed textbox sizes for newpaper form and comment form
added :title and :author properties to Paper model & made them display with elegance.
hid the Contributors section of the sidebar
hid “show only first comments” item for later implementation
added crest of alphahood
DB MAPPING: (CURRENTLY WORKING ON) The Comment model should connect to Parent types and Parent id’s and offer up comment or post via polymorphism. This will need to coincide with a rewrite of the comment.erb to include the type and id and a rewrite of how comments are inserted in paper.erb
COMMENTS ON COMMENTS: The ultimate goal of this conversation space is to have comments on comments. Semifunctional at the moment but still full of display, arrangement, and interaction bugs.
COMMENT DEPTH: Create ability to Show First Order Comments
COMMENT POSTS: Needs to be rewritten with the new db structure.
CONTRIBUTORS SOLO: (Solo / Mute) The goal is when you click on the contributor solo button, it shows only the contributions from that user. This is currently broken. Example is on wallace.erb. Preferably, when comments are added to a page, they have a class of the username. The ‘ul li’ of that contributor has name as it’s ‘id’. If the id == class, then show those comments, hide all others. That’s our current logic, but my guess: there is a better way. There is an ability to ‘solo’ multiple contributors at once. The mute button is the opposite effect, to hide the user, but it hasn’t been touched yet.
CONTRIBUTORS MUTE: Similar to solo(above) only it hides all the comments from that contributor.
CONTRIBUTORS HIGHLIGHT: When you you are in Read Comments mode, it.
CHANGE READ/POST STRUCTURE: This would remove the button on the left that switches from read comments to add post. Instead, when you clicked on a sentence, it would open up the comments below it. On the right side of the sentence, there would be a button that would open up a Post Comment form.
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Mad thanks to cocomo for the split_sentence code. snipplr.com/view.php?codeview&id=20306
HUGE thank you to Rune, Greg, Daniel.