This project is still here, and as far as I know the script still works. But as I don't use Kippt anymore at the very moment, I also don't use this script.
This Project is not actively maintained aynmore! Feel free to submit bugfixes/changes and I'll try to apply them - but I won't fix bugs or add features for now.
I started playing around with which looks promising as a successor for the beloved which (since acquired by that big company) lost a lot of the power that I liked. And since I already had a to MySQL-Backup script in place, I thought something like that needs to be possible with, too.
And here we go: A rough first draft of a backup script - maybe a migration tool from to will follow.
Clone this repository
Create a database with a table called "clips" (see database schema file in the cloned directory)
Copy config.sample.php to config.php and enter your local database credentials together with your username and API-Token You can find your API-Token by visiting the following "page" with your browser while being logged in:
Run the script : php -f kipptBackup.php
The following persons have supported the kippt-tools development:
- Sébastien Wains,
- Fetching of clips in batches
- Showing some nice progress
Thanks for your contribution!
Please yes - just send it to [email protected] and let's see what I can make out of it. Of course nice "thank you" mails are appreciated most :-) For other ideas on how to support me, just have a look at
Don't worry, just open an issue on GitHub or even better: Fix it and contribute it back to the project. You can fork the sourcecode from the Git repository and send me a pull request as soon as you've finished.
Licensed under the permissive MIT license - have fun with it!