Include this module in your Karma tests to override angular.module
into not loading any dependencies. Very useful for testing components in real isolation!
npm install --save-dev angular-module-no-deps
Then include it in your karma.conf.js
module.exports = function (config) {
'use strict';
files: [
now overrides angular.module('name', [...])
to angular.module('name', [])
Given an angular module that looks like this:
.module('user', [
.service('User', UserService)
function UserService(Account) {
// code...
and a test that looks like this:
angular.mock.module('user', function($provide) {
$provide.value('Account', {});
the test code will still want to load the 'account'
module even though the service 'account'
provides is mocked. This is not always desirable and then you can use this override to empty the module array.