List of Cleveland area tech companies and resources.
The primary purpose of this list is a resource to the Cleveland area tech community. This could mean reasonable distance for someone from around here to drive to, for instance. Things like Akron companies are an example of what's not "Cleveland area" but welcome here.
Remote jobs and resources of course don't apply to that, but as such means they don't need exposure from a Cleveland-centric list and are probably found elsewhere. But what is relevant is if a particular remote job has Cleveland-area employees for example, as those are then a kind of local resource for that job.
Pruning defunct organizations or dead links is also a helpful contribution. This list serves to help find resources, and it can't do that effectively if it's wasting people's time pointing them in the wrong direction.
Still not sure? Just submit a pull request! The fact you're considering means there's a good chance your change belongs on here.
And thank you for your help!
- Cleveland Companies
- Coding Bootcamps
- Groups
- Events
- Job Search Sites
- Recruiters
- Business Development
- Freelance
- Remote Working
- Other Links
- 1 EDI Source
- 121eCommerce
- 1848 Ventures
- 216digital
- 216 Software
- 33 Mile Radius
- 42connect
- 7signal
- Accellis
- Acroment
- Addo Solutions
- Aero Fluid Products
- Affinity
- Agile Blue
- Akkodis
- Allied Health Media
- American Greetings
- AmTrust
- Aperture
- Applied Industrial Technologies
- Apteryx
- Arhaus
- Aronetics
- Arras Keathley
- Assurant Labs
- Asurint - their job applications page
- Augment Therapy
- Axuall
- Avantia
- AvatarFleet
- Avvenire Solutions
- Aztek
- B3 Innovations
- Banyan Tech
- Barkeep4U
- Bear VAI Technology
- because I said I would
- Beegit
- Bennett Adelson
- Beyond Finance
- Big River
- Binary Defense Systems
- Bird RF
- Blackbird Digital
- BlueBridge Networks
- Blue Chip Consulting
- BlueFrog
- Bomzy Apps
- Bosch
- Boundary Systems
- boxcast
- Brandmuscle
- Brand New Ship
- BrightEdge - can find job posts here
- briteskies
- Breakwall Analytics
- Bravo Wellness - their jobs postings
- BudgetDumpster
- Buyerquest
- Capricorn Systems - jobs like Embedded C/C++ Programmers on Dice
- Cardinal Commerce
- C by GE
- Centerline Biomedical
- Centric Consulting
- CHAMP Titles - job postings on LinkedIn
- Circle Prime Manufacturing
- Class6ix
- Cleveland Clinic
- Cleveland HeartLab
- ClickShake games
- Cloud CMS
- CodeRed
- Codesummit
- Coffee and Code
- Cooknigenie
- Company 119
- CompanyCam
- Complion
- COMS Interactive
- Cost Sharing Solutions
- covermymeds
- CSS security
- CT Logistics
- Custom Orthopaedics
- Cynergies
- Dakota Soft
- Data-Basics
- DATAForge
- Data Genomix
- DataServ
- Datatrak
- Davey Resource Group
- Dealer Tire
- Deck of Dice
- DesignFlux Technologies
- DialogTech
- DigitC
- DMA Tech Solutions
- Dolbey Systems
- DragonID
- DriveIT
- Dwellworks
- e2b teknologies
- Eaton
- Echogen
- eFuneral
- Elite Business Solutions
- Emanate Wireless
- Embrace Pet Insurance
- Embedded Planet
- Emerald Resource Group
- EmployStream
- EnergyEne
- Equity Engineering Group
- Essex Digital Platform
- Ethode
- Event38
- EventWorks4D
- Evergreen Podcasts
- Everkey
- Everstream
- Excellware
- Expand Interactive
- Expedient
- Explorys
- ExportNow
- FactCite Lincoln Library Online
- Falls Digital
- Fast Switch
- Fathom
- Fello
- Felux
- FeneTech
- FIT Technologies
- Fleetmatics
- Fleet Response
- Flexjet
- FormFire
- Fortive
- Foundation Software
- FreshGames
- Functional Jobs
- Futuri Media
- GamesInCle
- GE Current
- GE Lighting
- GenomeOncology
- Gestalt IT
- GPI Enterprises
- Groupmatics
- H5 Data Centers
- Hallsten Innovations
- Handelabra Games
- Harmony Labs
- Hatch
- hc1
- Henning Software
- Heureka
- Hotcards
- Human Arc - aquired by Centauri Health Solutions
- Hurricane Labs
- Hyland, creator of OnBase
- HyperProductive
- Hyr Medical
- ID Networks
- imageNation
- Indago
- Inforce Technologies
- Innis Maggiore
- insivia
- InterDesign, job posts on Indeed or ultipro
- inTouch
- intwine
- IronTek Solutions
- JAC Creative
- J-Lynn entertainment
- Juggle
- Kalibrate
- KeborMed
- Keithley Instruments
- Kent Displays - creator of the Boogie Board
- Kentik
- Keyfactor
- Kiwi Creative
- Knowta
- Komae
- LayerZero
- Lazorpoint
- Lazurite
- LeadLift
- Leap Amabassadors Community
- Level Seven
- LightSpeed Hosting
- Lincoln Electric
- LineStream
- Little Jacket - design agency looking to get developers
- Lockheed Martin
- Logic Junction
- LogiSync
- Longsight
- loopdash
- Lufthouse
- LunchOwl
- MacroPoint
- MakerGear
- Main Sequence Technology - maker of PCRecruiter
- Mango
- Mastech Digital - jobs page with posts like Big Data Developer on Dice
- MCPc
- MedaSync
- MedCityNews
- Medical Mutual
- MedPilot
- Metisentry
- Mezu
- Micro Fantasy
- MIM Software
- Mindful
- Mobile Defense
- MobyMax
- Mod Meals
- Moreland Connect
- Moss Corporation
- MRI Software
- MTD - they're getting into robotic mowers
- My1HR
- My One Medical Source
- n2y
- Nanotronics Imgaging
- National Interstate
- Network Technologies Inc - they also do VPI
- New Innovations
- New York Community Bank
- NEXT Internet
- NK Web
- Nordson - USA jobs
- Notice Software
- Nottingham Spirk
- n2y
- Oatey
- OEC Connection
- OMNOVA Solutions
- OnBase by Hyland Software
- One Call Now
- OneSky
- One up
- Onix
- OnShift
- Onvoy
- OverDrive - their careers page
- Pandata
- Paragon
- Parker Hannifin - their job search
- Park Place Technologies
- PartsSource Inc. - Current Job Openings
- Patriot Software
- PCC Airfoils
- PCRecruiter - by Main Sequence Technology
- PDP Tax Service
- Pervasive Path
- Phenom - possibly no longer active, that site is an empty Heroku app and their Facebook page hasn't been active for almost a year
- Philips Medical
- pixsi
- Playaway
- Pleasant Valley Corporation
- PNC Financial - Strongsville, W130th Operations, Highland Hills - Careers Page
- Power Lender
- Pointe Blank Solutions
- PreEmptive Solutions
- Prentke Romich Company (PRC)
- Proformex
- Progressive
- Pulse
- Quadax - their site here
- Randstad
- ReadySet Surgical
- Realeflow
- Revature
- recess creative
- Relational Systems
-, redirects to
- Renovo
- Resolvit
- Revenue Conduit
- Robots and Pencils
- Rockwell Automation
- Root Integration
- Roundtable
- Rovisys
- RVshare, job posts on AngelList
- SapientRazorfish_, formerly Rosetta. Rosetta was acquired by two companies(Sapient and Razorfish) who merged into one.
- Search Discovery
- Secure State
- sellhack
- Sherwin-Williams
- Simbionix
- Simple A
- Sixth City Marketing
- Skookum Arts
- Smart Soda
- Snap-on
- Sociogram
- Softosource
- Spang Power Electronics
- SpaceBound
- Sparkbox
- Specialized Business Software
- Splash Financial
- Sprokets
- SPR Theraputics
- Squirrels
- STEMpowerkids
- Stream9
- StreamLink
- Sundance Systems
- Swagelok
- SyncShow
- Synopsys
- Tackk
- TEKsystems - jobs like Desktop Support Technician on Dice
- Tharo Systems
- The Refinery - their hire with google page
- Think-a-move
- thunder::tech
- Tiger Pistol
- Timocco
- Tiny Circuits
- TOA Tech - aquired by Oracle
- TonDone
- TreeStone Media
- Trimble Transportation - formerly Transportation Management Software
- Tribute Inc.
- Trilogy Education Services - coding boot camps, including Case
- TrustedSec
- Twist Creative
- Ubotica
- Unify Labs - formerly Unify Project
- Union Home Mortgage
- United Computer Group
- UrbanCode
- USA Firmware
- Vantage Partners
- Veritix - bought by AXS
- Veroot
- Vertex
- Virteom
- VHT - formerly Virtual Hold Technologies
- Vitamix
- Vlipsy
- Voss Industries
- Votem
- Vox Mobile
- Wastebits
- Webcollage
- Wentworth Solutions
- Wheedle
- Widdle
- Wireless Environment
- Wisr
- Within3
- WM Software
- WTWH Media
- Xadite
- Yardi
- Zin Technologies
- Zircoa is a good place to look for local tech groups.
- Open data on Cleveland groups and resources
- Open Cleveland
- Open Geo Cleveland
- openNEO
- Civic Insights Hub by Digital C
- Open Geo Cleveland - seems defunct, points to Open Cleveland's meetup
- Akron Makerspace - Formerly synHAK
- Akron Women in Tech
- Cleveland Big Data & Hadoop User Group
- Cleveland Cocoaheads (iOS & Mac )
- Cleveland Drupal User Group
- Cleveland Game Developers - redirects from here
- Cleveland Game Co-op
- Cleveland Javascript Group
- Cleveland Python/Julia/R Data Science Group
- Cleveland R Users Group
- Cleveland Ruby Brigade
- Cleveland Tech Slack - register to get your invite here
- Cleveland Web Design and Development (CLE WDD)
- Crypto Cleveland
- CLEVR Facebook Group | CLEVR Facebook Page
- Elixir |> CLE
- Findlay Radio Club
- Hamfest Association of Cleveland
- Makers Alliance
- Northeast Ohio Information Security Forum
- Soulcraft woodshop, also see Soulcraft CLE
- Women Who Code Cleveland
- Cleveland Locksport
- We Make the Internet
- Fresh Lab - makerspace for music, clothing
- CoolTech Challenge - their site not up?
- Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society
- Code Youngstown
- PyOhio
- The Industry Digital Summit, put on by Product Collective
- TechPint
- IngenuityFest
- B-Sides
- Ohio LinuxFest
- Weapons of Mass Creation
- Cleveland Give Camp
- Classic console and arcade game show
- Retro Exchange Cleveland
- Stir Trek
- Dayton Hamvention
- Cleveland Pinball and Arcade Show
- Information Security Summit, their Twitter
- BizConCle
- OHI/O - OSU hackathon
- Tech Field Day
- Startup Scaleup
- CodeMash
- CodeMash CTF - their Twitter
- blog for CTF
- Data Days CLE - open data/civic tech event by the various open data groups
- Cleveland Hamfest and Computer Show by Hamfest Association of Cleveland
- Rustbelt Refresh
- Erie Hack
- Cleveland SpaceApps
- GiveBackHack
- PyCon in Cleveland 2018 and 2019
- HAkron
- Tandy Assembly
- Tecmo Cleveland
- The Side Quest - local nerd bar, not exactly tech but lots of interesting events
- Observatory Park - a Dark Sky park
- GDEX - "The Midwest's Premier Gaming Expo"
- Kent Hack Enough - KSU Hackathon
- Hack YSU - YSU's annual hackathon
- HackerX - the world’s largest invite-only networking & recruiting event for developers (one hosted in CL)
- NOARSfest presented by The Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society
- CWRU [You]Tech Conference
- Futureland
- Scrapyard Cleveland
- Cleveland Career Board
- GeekWork
- Indeed - IT Hare made a programmer or developer filter for Indeed
- Ohio unemployment
- Employment connection
- OnShore Momentum
- Dice
- HireArt
- the muse
- Experis
- We Work Remotely
- RecruitCoders
- Technical Search Consultants
- Old Geek Jobs
- remote ok
- Remote Working
- Hacker News: Who is hiring? - beginning of each month they have Who's Hiring/Who's Looking to be Hired posts
- USAJOBS - government job search site, including Cleveland NASA jobs
- untapt
- AngelList Cleveland Startup Jobs
- Free and Open Source Jobs
- JumpStart Jobs Site
- Adafruit Jobs Board
- JumpStart client job search
- OhioMeansJobs
- Ohio To Work
- DevOps Remote Work
- Y Combinator's Work at a Startup
- OhioJobsForAll subreddit
- job search
- Memfault embedded job postings
- USA Jobs Available
- People-First Jobs
- FlexJobs
- Remotive
- JustRemote
- Working Nomads
- Flexa Careers
- Pangian
- Dynamite Jobs remote jobs
- Remote Work Junkie
- Skip the Drive
- WellFound
- Otta
- Hired
- Space Crew
- Ohio Tech Job Search
- Apex Systems
- CyberCoders
- Robert Half
- Genesis10 - positions on Dice
- Zume Search
- Bell Falls Search
- NorTech
- think[box]
- LaunchHouse
- Early Stage Partners
- JumpStart
- BizDom
- FlashStarts
- LeanDog
- Cleveland Leadership
- BioMotiv
- The Bit Factory
- Bounce Hub - their Twitter
- Prototech
- MAGNET - Manufacturing Advocacy & Growth Network
- Technology for Ohio's Tomorrow
- Cleveland Health-Tech Corridor
- OHTec, their Twitter
- RITE - Regional Information Technology Engagement
- Launch League
- VentureOhio
- TechOhio
- Ohio Third Frontier
- The Medical Capital
- Greater Cleveland Partnership
- TechGROWTH Ohio
- Health IT in the CLE
- Benesch 3D Printing Group - law firm interested in 3D printing and intellectual property surrounding it
- Global Center for Health Innovation
- COSE - Council of Smaller Enterprises
- Cleveland Foundation
- The Dealership
- Ohio Federal Research Network
- Global Shapers Cleveland - Cleveland hub
- TechniCLE Speaking tech summit
- Plug and Play Cleveland
- SIM Cleveland
- Akron AITP
- Ohio Aerospace Institute
- TeamNEO - now Northeast Ohio Region, with industries like IT
- JobsOhio
- Youngstown Business Incubator - YBI
- Companies that hire remote - usually with Cleveland people working there
- Cowork spaces
- Resources
- Nomadlist
- Workfrom
- Remote Stash "A hand-picked directory of the best free resources for remote workers and nomads."
- GeekCLE
- How to make Pittsburgh a Startup HuB - sounds like Cleveland
- 345 software engineering companies that are easy to apply to - some say remote. site here
- Best Places to Live for Tech Entrepreneurs
- Why Ohio Is The Best State In America To Launch A Start Up
- The Hunt For The Next Portland: Hoteliers Bet Big On Small City America
- How does Cleveland rank against Columbus, Pittsburgh for becoming the nation’s next tech hub?