This app fetches photos from the Unsplash Api. Signup and get an api key.
The API key is in Networking/NetworkConfiguration.swift. Copy and replace your key there.
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//Uses property observer and closures to achieve data binding.
//Great for avoiding the Reactive approach.
//Each ViewModel has a protocol to abstract implementation details from the viewModel,
//Also makes it easier to test functionality with mocks etc.
// ViewModel/PhotoGridViewModel.swift
protocol PhotoGridViewModelProtocol {
var networkService: NetworkService { get }
var fetchingError: ((NetworkError) -> Void)? { get }
var fetchingPhotos: (() -> Void)? { get }
var didFinishFetch: ((_ photos: [Photo]) -> Void)? { get }
func fetchPhotos(forPage page: Int)
class PhotoGridViewModel: PhotoGridViewModelProtocol {...}
extension PhotoGridViewModel {
enum State {
case idle
case fetching
case didFinishFetching([Photo])
case fetchingError(NetworkError)
The PhotoGridViewModel is responsible for fetching photos and updating the controller with the photos.
It uses a property observer state, which is an enum.
When the value changes, simply call the closure or any func in the enum cases.
// Controller/PhotoGridListViewController.swift
// In the controller instantiate your view model
private let viewModel = PhotoGridViewModel()
// Then in viewDidLoad call any of the closures you implemented
// Make sure a weak reference to self is made, to avoid any retain cycle.
viewModel.fetchingPhotos = { [weak self] in
guard let `self` = self else { return }
self.loadingIndicatorView.isHidden = false