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Mike Rennie edited this page Aug 9, 2012 · 3 revisions

Values typically appear in the responses of commands like backtrace, frame, lookup and scopes as serialized JavaScript values.

The JSON structure of these objects contains a type field, along with either a type-specific value field or, in the case of object and function values, a handle field whose value can be used to obtain the actual object/function with the lookup command.



A boolean is represented as:



A breakpoint object describes a single breakpoint from Crossfire. This object can be found in the getBreakpoints and setBreakpoints responses as well as the onToggleBreakpoint event.



handle number
the Crossfire identifier for this breakpoint object
type string
the type of the breakpoint - for example `line` or `error`
location object
the object that contains location information
attributes object
the object of attributes that describe the breakpoint - for example `enabled` or `condition`


A context object describes a given context (tab) in Crossfire. This object can be found in the listcontexts response.



context_id string
the id of the context
url string
the URL opened in the context (tab)
is_current boolean
if the context is the focus context


A frame object describes a single stackframe from the debugger. This object can be found in the backtrace and frame responses.



index number
the index of the frame within the complete stack of frames from the debugger
line_number number
the line number the frame is currently suspended on
functionName string
the name of the function the frame is currently suspended in
url string
the URL of the script the frame is suspended in
locals object
the object containing the group of local variables for the frame
scopes object
the array of [scope objects](#scope)


A function is represented as a handle of the form:



A number is represented as:


number_or_string must be either a number or one of NaN, Infinity or -Infinity.


A null value is represented as:



An object is represented as a handle of the form:


Objects can also be nested within other objects. For example in the case of a backtrace request, you will receive a response with variables split up as locals and this.

Nested objects will always appear as a value entry in the object. For example:



A scope object represents a logical grouping for a given set of local variables.

This object can be found in a stack frame object and in the scopes response.

  "index": <index>,
  "frameIndex": <frame_index>,
  "scope": <scope_object>


index number
the index of the scope in the complete array of scopes
frame_index number
the index of the frame this scope aligns with
closing_object object
the [serialized object handle](#wiki-object) of the object that makes up this scope


A script object describes a single script. This object can be found in the scripts response and the onScript event.



url string
the URL of the script
line_offset number
the current line offset of the script within its parent (if any)
column_offset number
the current column offset of the script within its parent (if any)
source_length number
the entire length of the source for the script including all control characters
line_count number
the number of lines in the script
type string
the type of the compilation unit - see [sourceFile.js]( for complete listing of types
source string
the complete source of the script


A string is represented as:



A tool object describes a default or contributed tool. This object can be found in the gettools, enabletools and disabletools responses.



name string
the name of the tool
enabled_state boolean
the enabled state of the tool (true or false)
command_array object
the array of the names of the commands this tool supports
event_array object
the array of the names of the events this tool is capable of sending
description string
the human-readable description of the tool


An undefined value is represented as:
