This is a personal project created to put into practice all the concepts I have learned about Django so far.
The idea was to create a Trello-like application where users can access rooms with tasks that can be moved between different states and even deleted.
EasyTask has been created in Python 3.11.1 and Djngo 4.2.1
- User Authentication: Users can create accounts and log in to the application.
- Room Management: Users can create rooms, enter existing rooms, and leave rooms they are no longer interested in.
- Task Management: Users can create tasks within a room, modify the status of tasks, and delete tasks when necessary.
- Clone the repository
$ git clone
- Acces into the folder
$ cd task-manager
- Create a virtual environment
$ python -m venv venv
- Activate the environment using
- Windows :
$ venv\Scripts\activate
- Linux :
$ source venv/bin/activate
- Install the project requirements
$ pip instal -r requirements.txt
- Move into the "task_manager" folder and create a .env file
$ cd task_manager && touch .env
- Inside the env file, add the following environmental variables
- Make the migrations to the db
$ python migrate
- Run the server
$ python runserver
- Acces to http://localhost:8000. Enjoy
- Implement the functionality for the room creator to delete the entire room
- Implement the functionality for the room creator to remove users