An easy way to get country data which includes the country name and dial code for iOS Developers
- iOS 10.0+
CocoaPods (recommended)
# For latest release in cocoapods
pod 'MRSelectCountry'
Without CocoaPods
- Why not CocoaPods?
- Drag all files from /MRSelectCountry/MRSelectCountry/ to your project, which contains .json, .swift and .storyboard files
let controller = MRSelectCountry.getMRSelectCountryController(delegate: self)
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(controller, animated: true)
You can use MRSelectCountryDelegate
to get selected country
func didSelectCountry(controller: MRSelectCountryTableViewController, country: MRCountry) {
// Get country data
// Dismiss/Pop the MRSelectCountryTableViewController
controller.navigationController?.popViewController(animated: true)
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is released under MIT License
Please provide attribution, it is greatly appreciated