- download the zip file from git hub.
- unzip it in your system(Laptop/PC).
- Open project using any code editer.
- Install Node, mongodb in your system.
- After installing these use command "npm i" or "npm install".
- For runing the project Use command "npm run start_nodemon" if nodemon installed else use "node app.js".
URL = http://localhost:3000/v1.0.0/DEV/user/registrationApi fields = first_name, last_name, mobile, email, school_name, password, Profile_pic.
URL = http://localhost:3000/v1.0.0/DEV/user/loginApi fields = mobile, password.
URL = http://localhost:3000/v1.0.0/DEV/user/assignmentApi fields = assignmentTitle, student, assignmentFile.
URL = http://localhost:3000/v1.0.0/DEV/user/getassignmentApi fields = studentID.