Manage your finances, invest in the stock market, track transactions, and transfer money seamlessly
🔐 Secure Auth | 📊 Real-time Analytics | 🏦 Multi-Bank Support |
💸 Easy Transfers | 📱 Mobile Friendly | 🔍 Transaction Tracking |
📈 Trading | 🔴 Recession Indicator | 🛡️ Risk Profiler |
- Authentication (Sign in & Sign up)
- Bank account integration
- Transaction tracking
- Money transfers
- Dashboard analytics
- Suite of tools [10%]
- Stock market integration [0%]
Firstly, make sure to install all dependencies with your package manager of choice:
npm install
Secondly, run the development server:
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev
# or
bun dev
Finally, open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to (hopefully) see the result.