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Deep learning model and code for Toxic Comments Classification Challenge on Kaggle. Simple framework for similar competitions.


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Toxic Comments Classification

Single deep learning model and code for Toxic Comments Classification Challenge on Kaggle. The code is written as a simple framework for similar competitions. It allows and automates experimentation with different models, experiments saving, model evaluation, TensorBoard visualization and final model training.

Built with:

  • Python 3.6.6
  • Keras 2.2.0
  • Tensorflow 1.10.0 (GPU version)
  • Scikit-learn 0.19.1
  • Iterative-stratification 0.1.6
  • Pandas 0.24.2
  • Numpy 1.15.1

Provided Model

The convolutional-only model provided here achieves 0.97704 ROC-AUC score on the private leaderboard after a late submission (models/submissions/1566218974.9314115/) and 0.97736 on the whole test set. Better performance can be further achieved with advanced LSTM or pre-trained language models. The experiment with default setup takes around 27 minutes on GTX 1060 6 GB GPU. Final training takes 3-5 minutes. Below are instructions on how to experiment with different Keras model architectures.


Making Experiments on the Training Set

To start an experiment, edit your model in file and run with python This file loads train and test data, evaluates all-zeros baseline model, fits Tokenizer instance on the whole dataset and runs a single cross validation experiment on training set. The number of CV folds can be set in N_FOLDS variable (5 by default). You can modify different hyperparameters in hparams dictionary:

hparams = {
    'max_words': 50000, # for Tokenizer
    'max_length': 180,
    'batch_size': 512,
    'epochs': 100,
    'optimizer': optimizers.RMSprop(),
    'tokenizer_filters': '!"#$%&()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~\t\n',
    'tokenizer_lower': True,
    'tokenizer_split': " ",
    'tokenizer_char_level': False,
    'padding': 'post',
    'truncating': 'post',
    'tokenizer_oov_token': '<UNK>', # not a real hyperparameter
    'n_classes': y_train.shape[1] # not a real hyperparameter

Since this is a multilabel classification problem, the iterative-stratification package is used for creating cross validation folds. For measuring model's performance, three main metrics are used: cross entropy loss, accuracy and ROC AUC (Receiver Operating Characteristic Area Under The Curve) score - official competition's performance metric. The training procedure minimizes validation loss and uses early stopping with patience=3.

Saving Experiment Results file uses a function train_model_cv which trains a model through folds and saves results. This function assigns the unique ID to each experiment. After an experiment is finished, the results are saved to models/experiments/<experiment_id>/ directory. This directory contains following files:

  • - a copy of original file so you can modify it for different experiments
  • hparams.json - JSON dumped hparams dictionary from file
  • model_summary.txt - the output from model.summary() method of Keras model
  • model.json - the output from model.to_json() method of Keras model - contains model architeccture
  • results.txt - textual description with averaged metrics and standard deviations across folds:
    • average minimal validation loss
    • average train loss of minimal validation loss - might be useful for estimating overfitting impact
    • average validation ROC AUC score - averaged from epochs of minimal validation losses
    • average epoch of minimal validation loss - averaged number of epochs in which minimal validation loss is measured (through all folds)

IMPORTANT NOTICE: hparams['epochs'] will be updated with the rounded average number of epochs (from results.txt) before dumping hparams to hparams.json file. It's OK to set the hparams['epochs'] to some big number before experiment because the early stopping is used.

Using TensorBoard

If you want to visualize different apects of learning with TensorBoard, please set the USE_TENSORBOARD variable in to True. tb_logs folder will be used for storing TensorBoard log files. Each experiemnt's files will be stored to models/tb_logs/<experiment_id>/ directory. Before running the, please run tensorboard --logdir=path/to/log-directory command where path/to/log-directory is the path to tb_logs directory or tb_logs itself. This command will work if it is called from activated Python environment where TensorBoard is installed. The last step is to open localhost:6006 address with your browser. More details are available here.

Model Selection

Exept it stores results after each experiment, the script also appends a results line to the tcc_val_results.txt file. This file is CSV formatted, so each line has the following form:


Therefore, with experiment ID, each line contains average validation ROC AUC score and minimal validation loss. You can read this file with pandas or import it to Excel and sort the table by desired column to select the best performing model on validation folds.

Evaluation of the Selected Model on the Test Set

Once you selected your model by using cross validation, run the file to create the submission file. You will have to enter the <experiment_id> and the script will automatically load saved hyperparameters and model architecture from the corresponding experiment directory and train the model on the whole training set. The submission file will be named submission_<experiment_id>.csv and saved to models/submissions/<experiment_id>/ directory. Together with submission file, model architecture (model.json) and weights (weights.h5) will be saved too. You can set the variable SAVE_TRAINED_MODEL in to False to disable model saving.

If the test set labels are available (they might be after the competition, as they are in this case), the script will measure the model performance on the test set, print it out and save it to the models/evaluations/ directory, under the name <experiment_id>_evaluation.txt. If you don't have the test set labels, please set the TEST_DATA_LABELS_PATH variable to None.

Training the Selected Model on the whole Dataset

The script trains the selected model on the whole dataset (train + test). The test set labels should be available for that. If the test set contains some unused examples labeled with -1, they will be masked out. After running the script, you need to enter <experiment_id> again and the corresponding model will start to train. When finished, the model architecture (model.json), weights (weights.h5), Tokenizer instance (tokenizer.p), hyperparameters (hparams.json) and will be saved to models/final_models/<experiment_id>/ directory.