released this
27 Apr 20:06
BUG: Configuration lost when JSON document became to large, increased buffer to 3kb (from 2kb)
Added support for NAU7802 AD converter from sparkfun. Uses I2C bus. Will require ESP32S2 for two scales and different wiring. This is EXPERIMENTAL!
Added error message to restore configuration feature in case the ID did not match.
Added pull-up resistor to temperature sensor data line (applies to both DS18B20 and DHT22)
Added web based serial console accessed via http://device/serial or ws://device/serialws (only works with async webserver)
Added mobile dashboard accessed via http://device/dashboard
Added updated schema and pcb for the HX711 edition.
Added 3d model for case that works with pcb
Moved to async webserver as standard
Added support for ESP32 s2 mini board
Upgraded Arduino frameworks to latest stable + fixed problem in HX711 library due to Arduino update.
Added backup & recovery function
Created own code for multireset feature (for entering wifi setup)
Refactored Wifi manager library since its not longer maintained by original author. Added logging output.
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