An authentication policy for Pyramid that uses the repoze.who v2 API.
This plugin allows you to configure a repoze.who authentication stack as a pyramid authentication policy. It takes a repoze.who API factory and turns it into an pyramid IAuthenticationPolicy:
from repoze.who.config import make_api_factory_with_config api_factory = make_api_factory_with_config(global_conf, "etc/who.ini") authn_policy = WhoAuthenticationPolicy(api_factory) config.set_authentication_policy(authn_policy)
This will load the repoze.who configuration from the specified config file and hook it into Pyramid.
The advantage of using pyramid_whoauth instead of the repoze.who middleware is that authentication is only performed when your application explicitly requests it using e.g. pyramid's authenticated_userid() function.
For convenience, you can also specify all of the repoze.who configuration settings as part of your paster deployment settings. For example, you might have the following:
[app:pyramidapp] use = egg:mypyramidapp who.plugin.basicauth.use = repoze.who.plugins.basicauth:make_plugin who.plugin.basicauth.realm = MyRealm who.plugin.authtkt.use = repoze.who.plugins.auth_tkt:make_plugin who.plugin.authtkt.secret = Oh So Secret! who.identifiers.plugins = authtkt basicauth who.authenticators.plugins = authtkt basicauth who.challengers.plugins = basicauth
This configures repoze.who to use the "basicauth" and "auth_tkt" plugins, using pyramid's dotted-settings style rather than the repoze.who config file. Then it is a simple matter of including the pyramid_whoauth module into your configurator:
In addition to configuring the repoze.who API factory from the given settings, this will also set up some extra conveniences for your application:
- a forbidden view that challenges for credentials via repoze.who
- a login view that authenticates any credentials submitted via POST
- a logout view that sends forget headers when accessed
- a tween that calls the repoze.who "remember" method for each response