This repository hosts a few scripts and ci configurations that enable the automated creation of Amazon EC2 AMIs or Google Cloud images from Windows ISO files.
The automation works by running a powershell script (build_ami.ps1) in this repository which executes the following steps:
- download an ISO from the ISO repository.
- download an unattend file specifying the installation configuration for the Windows install.
- download packages and drivers required by the Windows installer.
- download and run Convert-WindowsImage.ps1 to create a VHD file from the ISO and inject the downloaded unattend configuration, drivers and packages.
- upload the created vhd file to the VHD repository.
- import the VHD file as an ec2 snapshot using the AWS EC2 api.
- create a new EC2 volume from the imported snapshot.
- create a new EC2 instance, detach its volume(s), attach the newly created volume with the imported snapshot of the Windows VHD.
- boot the new EC2 instance and wait for the Windows unattended install to complete and shut down.
- capture an AMI from the newly created instance after the Windows install has completed.