Web service to provide data like supported locales for a product, Bugzilla component names, and more.
Install Composer and its dependencies.
Display all available repositories (ID, name and array of supported locales).
Display all repositories with type XXX (ID, name and array of supported locales).
Display only the requested repository (ID, name and array of supported locales).
Display list of Bugzilla's l10n component names, used to create queries and links in products like Webdashboard or Langchecker.
Default is to display component names for the Mozilla Localizations
If XXX is set to www
display values of the Locale select (cf_locale
field) used for example in www.mozilla.org::L10N
Display list of locales working in a specific tool. Available values: pontoon, pontoon-mozorg, all.
will return a json with the list of supported tools and, for each of them, the supported locales.
This software is released under the terms of the Mozilla Public License v2.0.